Chapter 4

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It was a few days before Trina's birth week and Tori was stressing out on what to get her, I don't know why since Trina shouldn't have even been given a birthday mine as well a birth week.

"Suggestions for birth week present for Trina. Ok." Tori said as she typed something into her laptop and I spent a great amount of time checking out her breast from the other end of the table. "Andre start us off." Tori said as she glanced over at Andre.

"Cheese." Andre randomly stated getting a look of confusion from all of us. "Let's not do cheese." Andre said as he looked back down at the table clearly embarrassed.

"Robbie." Tori said looking towards Robbie and moving on from Andre's weird gift idea.

"Lotion or various lotions." Robbie said obviously being way to horny for school.

"Pervert, Cat." Tori said as she looked towards Cat.

"Well for my last birthday I thought my parents were going to get me a bike but when I got home from school my brother was trying to cut off his hair so my mom started yelling..." Cat started, beginning another unnecessary story about her weird brother.

"Jade" Tori said gesturing towards me quite clearly not wanting to hear the rest of Cat's story.

"Yeah?" I said really not wanting to talk about Trina at all.

"What should I get Trina?" Tori asked me.

"Talent." I replied bluntly already getting bored of this conversation.

"Oh, Jade is so pretty." Sinjin stated as he sat next to me looking at me like the creep that he was.

"Three, two, one." I began and by the time I got to one he was getting up to leave.

"Does anyone have a good idea about a present for Trina?" Tori asked clearly annoyed.

I got up not being able to handle this conversation anymore "You people gave me a rash." I told them as I gathered up my supplies and left.

"What kind of rash!" I heard Rex yell after me and I just continued to walk away, ignoring him in the process.

That night Tori called me up wanting to talk about the amazing present that she got Trina.

"Why do I care what you got Trina?" I asked Tori clearly annoyed with her inability to not get when someone didn't care about something.

"Cause I'm your girlfriend." Tori said acting as if this gave me a reason to suddenly care about Trina.

"Just because I love you doesn't mean I have to care about Trina." I told Tori honestly before hanging up and deciding to shut off my phone, just in case she called again I wouldn't hear my phone ring.

The next day Tori called me seeming angry about something that her sister had done.

"It's Trina what did you expect?" I asked Tori already figuring that Trina was too selfish to appreciate anything that anyone would give her.

"But it really hurt my feelings that Trina didn't appreciate the song I gave her." Tori said seeming really upset which honestly broke my heart,

"I know something that would cheer you up." I began and after a few seconds of Tori not answering back I decided to continue on. "I could take you on another motorcycle ride, maybe set up a romantic picnic for two at the park or we could just go on a romantic walk around town or at the beach." I said knowing that as much as I hated romance that Tori loved it and right now I just wanted to make her happy.

"No, I'm too upset for that." Tori replied seeming to regret her existence.

"Wow, this must really suck." I told Tori feeling bad about how upset I was. "What kind of coffee do you like?" I asked Tori hoping to gift her with some expensive coffee tomorrow and maybe a trip to wherever she wanted.

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