Chapter 1

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I was at the big showcase glad to finally be away from Andre who had been talking about Trina's sister all week and some bullshit about how he was pretty sure that he was in love. I loved Andre but I was really starting to get annoyed with him I mean how stupid do you have to be to be in love with someone from the Vega household. If Trina was any constitution I could already tell you that there was no way me and this Tori character where ever going to get along. I had performed my big showcase a few hours earlier and I was just here because I was forced to be here by the principal who made this stupid rule that if we didn't stay the whole night then we wouldn't pass the year. The only good thing about having to watch everyone's performance was that at least I got to miss school.

I was currently watching a break dance performance that I would try my hardest to deny but I had actually taken an interest to it. My interest had died the second that I heard some annoying back stage sound that honestly sounded a little bit better then Trina singing. I was surprised that Trina got better at singing since she had always thought she was the best which happened to hold her back from improvement. When it was Trina's turn I was trying to think of a way to commit suicide that way I wouldn't have to listen to the terrible noise that was Trina's singing. My mind had immediately changed though the second that I had seen Lance drag some gorgeous model onto the stage.

Andre had began to play the piano as the girl had nervously started to sing her nervousness was soon replaced with confidence as she continued to sing. As she sang I noticed that not only was she extremely hot but that she was extremely talented as well. After this girls performance the crowd had erupted into cheer that I had supringly joined into.

A few minutes after she had went backstage the current had lowered showing a group that seemed too have been arguing about something but had stopped and looked around awkwardly the moment that they had realized everyone staring.

"Hey." Andre said coming out from behind the curtain.

"Hey Andre." Andre's crazy grandmother had yelled at him as she raised her hand up into the air waving at him. "This girl doesn't know she's good enough to go to school here, what do you people think?" Andre asked as he grabbed Tori's arm and led her up onto the stage. The crowd had responded to his question by cheering their approval. He turned around to look back at the latina model "ok" he had said to her.

"Ok." she had said back as she had swooped him into a big hug excitedly. Truth be told I was kind of excited to see her in school the next day, I wanted to get to know her and possibly get into a relationship with her.

My dreams of getting with her had soon bursted into flames when I walked into Sikowitz's class and saw her rubbing all over my boyfriend. 

"Dude why you rubbing my boyfriend?" I asked her as I saw what they where doing, getting me a confused look from my boyfriend.

"I...I just spilled coffee on him so..." She said looking at me quite nervously.

"Get away from him." I said moving my hand to the side gesturing for her to get away from him I had decided that instead of trying to impress her with kindness which really wasn't me I was going to try to impress her by treating her badly. After all my daddy (Blake Carrington) had always taught me that girls liked when someone treated them badly. 

"Relax." Beck had old me as he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

 "Oh my god there's a huge fire." Sikowitz yelled as he entered the classroom getting a cheer of pure terror from everyone in the classroom. "Kidding, kidding." Sikowitz had said was he realized that what he had said had soon gotten way out of hand causing me to finally realize how many issues this strange man really had. "Just wanted to get your blood pumping which I did. Ha" Sikowitz said looking proud of himself before closing the door. "Alright now let's get started rumbs in chair." Sikowitz said as he threw his lady purse off to the side. "Ok first I'll like to introduce our new student Tori." Sikowitz had said as she got a slight clapping from the students in the classroom. "And I'll like to thank Tori for her generous gift of two dollars which she handed to me outside this morning not necessary but much appreciated." Sikowitz said as he showed everyone the two dollars that Tori had given to him causing me to think that this Tori person was way to nice for me. "Now today we're gonna continue our study on the ingroup improve. Tori I assume your familiar with improve." Sikowitz had said guessing since everyone seemed to know the formuliraty basics when first getting aquited into this school.

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