Chapter 7

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I was cuddled up with Tori being pretty close to her while having lunch with Beck and Andre when Cat approached us with some stupid machine and placed it excitedly on the table getting a bunch of looks of confusion from all of us. After a few minutes of Cat not explaining to us what it was we all went back to eating our lunch.

"Don't you guys want to know what that is?" Cat asked hoping that we would say yes and she could go on a little rampage about what her new toy was.

"Is it a transporter from the future that could beam you to another table cause if it is what button do I push?" I asked Cat sarcastically not really being in the mood to deal with Cat at the moment.

"That's so hurtful." Cat said offendly as she took as she sat down next to Tori.

"You know you don't always have to be mean to everyone." Tori said before kissing me gently and I kissed her back.

"See Tori's interested in my device." Cat said clearly getting the wrong idea from Tori.

"I'm really not." Tori said truthfully as she looked at Cat aplogitaclly. 

Andre then wrapped his arm around Cat trying to cheer her up for whatever reason "Oh, come on little red tell us about your dohigi." Andre pleaded knowing that that was how he could he make Cat happy and I guess the heart wanted what the hearted wanted. I was just happy that his heart no longer wanted Tori since that was what my heart wanted.

"Ok, it's called the snowbee." Cat said before pressing a button on the snowbee causing snow to pop up into the sky and fall back down onto our food. I had quickly gotten annoyed with the snow and turned it off.

"It makes pretend snow." Cat said giggling like an idiot.

"I see that." Andre proclaimed.

"It's all over my tostodo." Beck said picking up his tostoda container clearly annoyed as I tried to brush snow out of my hair.

"And my pizza." Tori said picking up her snow filled pizza. 

"Well do not eat it." Cat warned us.

"Why?" I asked Cat curious as to why I couldn't finish eating the rest of my lunch.

"Cause it says the fake snow is toxic and can cause abdomanol bleeding." Cat explained as she read off the instruction manual as everyone just dropped their food and slid it towards the middle of the table. 

"So what made you buy a machine that poisoned people's lunches?" Tori asked trying to keep her nice and sweet girl act up with Cat.

Cat then picked up a catologe before excitedly saying "This catologe." showing us all a catalog with the word Radio printed in white showing on it. 

"Sky Store?" Beck asked reading off the top.

"Yeah I went to visit my uncle and uncle this weekend in San Fransico and they had these in the plane." Cat explained as she opened up to the middle. "It's like filled with all types of cool stuff you could buy." Cat said clearly trying to advertise the company to us. "Oh, like this a tree face you put it on your tree to give it a face." Cat said excitedly as she showed us a picture of the tree face as we all just looked on unamused."

"What if you don't have a tree?" Tori asked.

"It also works on bushes." Cat explained somehow managing to seem even more excited then before. 

"Unbelivable! You guys have no idea how upset I am..." Robbie said starting off before looking down at Beck's plate of food and looking surprised. "It snowed?" Robbie asked pointing his sight towards the sky. "In Las Angelas?" Robbie asked surprised. 

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