Chapter 13 Part 2

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The next day I was driving with Cat to Tori's house when I suggested that we pick up a little snack for Tori. I said donuts since I knew that was Tori's favorite, put Cat persisted on icecream and I figured that I would rather see Vega then have this argument since I really missed my girlfriend so I just got Tori icecream.

When we got to Tori's house I rang on the doorbell and as soon as Tori opened it I began to make out with her passionately, although we where only apart for a day it had felt like an eternity and I just couldn't live an eternity without Tori. 

After a few moments Tori pulled back "Someone missed me." Tori said witch a soft smile lighting up her smile.

"Could you blame me I've been away from you for way to long." I reminded Tori.

"Jade it's only been a day." Tori said.

"Exactly." I said as I looked into Tori's brown eyes with my hazel eyes lovingly.

"We got you frozen yogurt." Cat randomly stated, interrupting our moment. 

"Why?" Tori asked clearly displeased with this. "You know frozen yogurt doesn't solve all the worlds problems." Tori said as she looked at everyone angrily.

"I told you to bring her donuts." I told Cat feeling upset that Tori was angry.

"Why aren't you being nice?" Cat asked.

"And why do you look disquieting?" I told Tori as I began to take in her appearance since the first time since we got here. I would have before but my mind was a little preoccupied.

"Trina." Tori said as she pointed towards Trina.

"Oh." Me and Cat said in unison as I began to feel bad for Tori. 

"Listen we need to talk to you." I told Tori flatly.

"It's really important." Cat expanded.

"Alright, let's go outside." Tori said walking outside as she gestured for me and Cat to do the same. "I don't want to be in here when they get that tape off her mouth." Tori said before walking outside. I took that moment to get Beck's keys out of his pocket since no one else was looking. I figured that Tori needed a break and I would gladly fuck anybody over for Tori.

"So what's up?" Tori asked, eating the frozen yogurt that we got her, once I got outside.

"Last night we went to Karoke Dokie." I began.

"These two girls where really mean to us." Cat went on.

"Like Jade level mean?" Tori asked playfully.

"No, not that mean but really mean." Cat replied back.

"And they cheated." I got to the point since I wasn't enjoying this conversation so far.

"So cheated." Cat repeated.

"And they where totally trashing Hollywood Arts." I said going on with the convo.

"Really?" Tori asked surprised.

"What's on your arm?" Cat asked, getting distracted by the blood on Tori's arm.

"Trina's mouth blood." Tori said truthfully.

"Eww." Cat said disquisted.

"Cool." I said intregged with all things blood. 

"What about her parents?" Tori asked getting back on topic.

"Her daddy owns the place." I informed Tori. 

"I think that's why they won." Cat said stupidly.

"And they banned you both from singing there ever again?" Tori asked.

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