Chapter 29

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Time had only passed since me and Vega had broken up and as the day went on my heart only longed for her more. However, whenever I texted the Latina that I was so desperately in love with I was always ignored and just left on read. My heart only grew colder as I became obsessed with my daddy's business almost putting my all into this business even if it meant doing unthinkable thinks but I would but this business second if it meant that I had one more chance with my one true love. 

The next day Beck had asked me to sing a song for Andre and I would have said no but then I thought about how sweet and loving doing this for Andre would make me seem to Tori and I had instantly changed my mind to yes. I would have entered the class all sweet and innocently since Andre was Tori's best friend but that plant went sour after Sinjin had sat on my scissors only moments before during class. So instead of being all peaceful and gentle when I came in all vicious and angry screaming about how I wanted to murder Sinjin.

"What happened?" Beck asked me seeing how I wasn't as sweet and peaceful as I told him I was going to be when we talked about it this morning.

"Sinjin sat on my new scissors!" I said yelling angrily.

"Ok, calm down." Beck said trying to calm me down wich just made me so much angrier since I hated when people told me to calm down.

"I'm not gonna calm down! There bent! They lost their siz!" I yelled at him as my blood began to boil even more as I got filled with hatred for both Beck and Sinjin. I immediately threw my scissors onto the wall which should have really been aimed at Sinjin's neck instead.

"You kids have fun." Beck told us trying to avoid confrontation with me because he knew that having a confrontation would only make me more angrier. 

About a few hours had passed as I continued waiting for Andre to finish up with his song. So I decided to grab Andre's wrist to show him something "Alright have you ever tried this when you where a kid?" I asked him.

"Wow. Wow. Wow. What's you doing?" Andre asked me pulling away from me as he seemed scared of me.

"Just give me your hand, don't be a baby." I told him knowing that calling him a baby would miss with his ego and make him want to do the challenge.

"Alright." Andre said nervously moving his chair closer to me. "I trust you." Andre told me and it was clear that he really didn't.

"Oh, yeah big mistake." I told him as I regrabbed his wrist before instructing him to make a fist which he did. "Ok." I said as a cracked his knuckled a little bit.

"What are you doing?" Andre asked me clearly never doing anything like this before.

"Uh talk less and open your hand." I told him as I let go of his head giving him the ability to open it. After he had opened it I smacked his hand then demanding him to give me a fist again before massaging his hand gentle almost done with what I had to do.

"Are you sure there's a point to this?" He asked clearly getting bored.

"Yep, now here it comes. Open." I told him instructing him to open his hand before pressing my nail against the middle of his hand.

"Ow, its all tingly." Andre said letting a cute smile light his face.

"See." I said smiling back causing him to laugh. 

"Do it again." He said as he clapped his hands laughing like a little kid.

"No. You have to finish writing your song for the chorus." I reminded him.

"Yeah it's after midnight let's just bail." He said and typically I would have been ok with leaving but I needed to win Tori back and this guy was going to help me do so.

"Uh ah. Yoy got a break now finish writing your chorus." I told him needing to win Tori back as soon as possible.

"I've been trying to write it for three hours." Andre protested.

"Wow, ah great. Now shut up and sing something." I instructed from him with a playfully smile.

He moved towards the keyboard and began to play the chorus on the keyboard. "Uh." he said looking up as he stopped.

"Keep going." I instructed from him. 

He contrunied and started to sing some random stuff so I stopped him as I realized that I could help him out by thinking about what I wanted to tell Tori. I took a few notes before sitting up "Alright let me try something." I said getting ready to sing to Vega how I felt. "Record me." I told him.

I waited for him to give me the go single before I started my song explaining to Tori how I felt. 

'There is no upper hand, I'm giving you mine' I thought about how when I was with other people I often felt like I had to be in charge but when I was with Vega it was a different story.

'It doesn't have to end up wasting your time' I thought about all the fun things me and Vega had done together when we where together and how I wanted to go back to having the same relationship that we used to have with her.

'There's things that I could say, but hear it my way I want to let you know that it's all okay.' I thought about all the nights that Vega had called me with a nightmare and I would just come over and cuddle with her letting her know that no matter what I was always gonna be there to protect her.

As I took my headphones off I realized Andre looking at me strangely.

"What you think?" I asked him starting to be uncomfortable with the way that he was looking at me."You like that?"I asked him after he didn't answer my question.He just nodded his head saying mhmm.

Andre had sent me a video of my song since I asked him for one so when I got home I sent it to Tori.

Tori texted back 'Is that really how you fell about me?' I was a little shocked that she was up this late but still happy nonealess. 

I texted back 'That and so much more.'

Tori then texted back 'Jade I think I want you back.' This message had given me a feeling that I hadn't felt in a long time which was happiness. I even reread the message making sure it was real and sure enough it was. I couldn't believe my luck my precious little angel was finally giving me another chance when that was all that I ever wanted. It felt like a dream come true.

I texted back 'Then have me back'

Tori soon responded with 'I will.' 

I went to sleep then feeling nothing but pure happiness. 

The next morning I walked up to Tori and Andre and kissed Tori passionately and longingly and Tori immediately kissed back with a little bit more passion. This was the first time our lips had meet in what had been forever and now that I could finally kiss MY Vega again I don't think that I ever wanted to stop. I was so distracted with the kisses that i barley even recognized Cat bouncing around with bouncy shoes in the hallway. For some weird reason Andre had left looking as if he was about to cry.

"That's weird." I told Tori in between kisses.

"Yeah so weird." Tori had responded back in between more kisses. 

I began to get hard so I dragged Tori over to the janitors closet and closed and locked the door so that we could do something that we hadn't done in a while and as per usual I took her raw. 

Later that night Tori had sent me a song telling me that she was gonna sing me a song at the Friday bash and truth be told I was extremely excited to hear it but for that night I just went back to sleep wondering how I was ever so lucky to get Vega back.

The following night I was sitting on Beck's trunk as the guy announced Tori and Andre up on to the stage. 

"This is a song that I'm going to sing for my lovely girlfriend Jade." Tori announced from the microphone making me blush. The song was extremely getting everyone to clap along to the song. After the song we where all telling Tori and Andre how good the song was. Well I told Tori how good the sang was as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder brining her in for a passionate kiss and again Tori had kissed back with even more passion. 

"I love you." I muttered against her lips.

"I love you too." I felt my angel mumble back against my lips.

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