Chapter 5

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My boyfriend was friends with Alyssa Vaughn and I was in love with Tori Vega giving me the perfect opportunity to not only hurt him but give me a perfect opportunity to use this as a scape goat as to why I left Beck. When he was in the bathroom I realized that Beck left his phone on the kitchen table and kept getting text from this Alyssa character so I did what any normal girlfriend would do, I scrolled threw his phone hoping to catch him in the act and play it as if he was the cheater. As soon as he got out of the bathroom I took the rock out of my pocket being ready to through the rock at him.

"Who's Alyssa Vaughn and why does she keep texting you?" I ask rising my voice at him as the rock hit him right on the head roughly, hopefully giving him some brain damage. Not that he had much of a brain to start off with.

"She's just a friends." Beck equipped back trying to calm me down but I of course wasn't to let him off the hook that easily so I just stormed off to my motorcycle and drove away.

The next day me and Beck where walking out of math class as I finally decided that I was going to break Beck's heart once and for all and finally only be committed to Tori.

"Hey where not done talking about this." I told him as I followed him down the stairs.

"I am." Beck said looking annoyed and all and all tired of me harrasing him with questions about Alyssa which honestly I couldn't care less if he decided to go out with as long as I had Vega all to myself. 

"Well I'm not." I told him acting like the fake jealous girlfriend I was.

"Listen Alyssa Vaughn is just a friend." Beck said trying to calm me down again, man did I hate when this man child attempted to do the impossible. That's one of the many reasons I feel in love with Tori, she wouldn't try to calm me down when I was angry.

"A friend who's already sent you six text messages today." I told him as the phone in his pocket buzzed signaling that he had gotten another message from her. "Seven." I said grinting my teeth angrily. 

"You don't know that's her." Beck said thinking that I was sirrcely stupid enough to believe that she wasn't obsessing over him the same way that the majority of girls he meet did. 

"Is it?" I asked him getting even more angry cause if you where going to cheat on me you should at least have the courage to tell me the truth. 

"What's your favorite tropical fruit?" Beck asked clearly trying to change the topic.

"Mango and I don't like you in a relationship with Alyssa Vaughn." I said as it was clear that I was gradually becoming angrier. 

"It's a text message." Beck told me showing me his phone.

"And what does it say? Maybe, hi Beck my daddy just got richer and I got prettier. Let's make out." I told him with a mocking tone since one of my many hobbies was mocking annoying people. 

"Ok, let me see if I understand you..." Beck started out. 

"Let's see if you do." I said porpously interrupting Beck to piss him off even more. 

"Because you and I date I can't be friends with other girls." Beck said trying to clarify the situation.

"You can be friends with ugly girls." I told him since I remembered already giving Vega this speech before using her sister as an example of an ugly girl. "But not girls who are gorgoes social light that text message you a hundred times a day." I finished off. 

"You know what... Tori... Tori." Beck said gesturing Tori over to us as she walked down the stairs. "Can you come here?" He asked her not realizing how awkward it would be to drag someone into this kind of conversation of course only thinking about himself as per usual, another thing that I hated about him.

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