Chapter 12

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I was on my way to Tori since I hadn't seen her all weekend and I missed her a lot, when I saw her with a guy.

"No, no keep talking your doing great." Tori sarcastically told the guy as I approached her and immediately pulled her into a kiss as to warn the guy to stay the hell away from Tori, Tori of course kissed back before pulling away.

"So you have a girlfriend now?" The guy asked like an idiot.

"Yeah, she's actually really sweet." Tori said as I looked down at her neck resisting the urge to bite into it.

"Don't call me sweet." I told Tori flatly.

"I can't help what you are." Tori said as she gave me her adorable signature smile.

"I'm only sweet to you." I told Tori truthfully.

"Well I'm sure if you showed your sweet side to more people that they'll like you more." Tori told me, quite clearly trying to get me to claim that I was sweet which would never happen.

"I don't care." I told Tori flatly as I took a sip from me coffee.

"So when did you get into performing?" The guy asked Tori trying to fit himself into the conversation.

"Ah, well see my sisters tongue got all big and swalloween and here I am." Tori told him awkwardly. 

"So who's that?" I asked Tori jealously, finally just aknowloging the dude.

"Uhh, this is Danny." Tori said as she pointed at him awkwardly.

"Hey." Danny said clearly uncomfortable.

"Why are you talking to Tori?" I asked him trying to gesture to him to leave before I did something I regretted.

"He goes to my old school." Tori said clearly trying to avoid the topic.

"Sherwood." Danny  expanded.

"He was my boyfriend." Tori said clearly feeling uncomfortable upon me glaring at her in disapproval. 

"Girlfriend." Danny said before looking down, gulping nervously as I gave him a death glare.

"So why'd she dump you?" I asked him. "Can I guess cause I got a lot of guesses." I said as I got closer to him only letting my death glare upon him expand.

"It just wasn't working out." Tori told me which I snickered in disapproval.

"Or more like you realized you could do better then him." I retorted as I looked at Danny disapprovingly from head to toe.

Moments later Cat came down the stairs screeching in excitement. "Ahh, Daniel." Cat said seeming way to happy even for her before pulling him in into a tight hug,

"Hey, babe." Daniel said as he picked her up and began to kiss her.

"This is the guy I've been telling you about." Cat said with a huge smile as he wrapped his arm around her. "My boyfriend." Cat said as he poked his stomach gently.

"That's great Cat." Tori said with a huge smile on her face as she just swung my arm around her.

"Daniel,these are my friends Beck, Jade, and that's Tori." Cat said as she introduced her boyfriend to us, or to some of us.

"Oh, we've meet." Tori informed Cat.

"Really you know Daniel?" Cat asked shocked.

"Oh, she knows Daniel." I said still feeling a pang of jealousy upon meeting one of Tori's old boyfriend's as I began to wonder if I was good enough for the latina.

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