Chapter 16

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Another month had passed by and I was still extremely proud of myself for getting my dad to like something. My dad barley liked anything and just knowing that he approved of something that I did felt like heaven to me. It was the best feeling in the world it felt as if I was buried in a whole bucket of scissors and was cuddling up with Tori while buried deep inside that bucket. 

It was the end of the school day now and I was about to go on my romantic trip to Paris with Tori this weekend when Sikowitz called us to be left behind. I had decided that since me and Tori where clearly going to get married in the future that I should get Tori used to the rich and luxurious life that was destiny to come off her in the future. 

"Nice work everyone." Sikowitz said gesturing for everyone to leave. "Wait Tori, Andre, Beck, Jade, Cat, Robbie." Sikowitz said as we got back into the classroom to hear whatever Sikowitz needed to tell us. "Stay for a moment." Sikowitz instructed us as he through his bag on the ground. 

"Umm why do you have a women's purse?" Tori asked Sikowitz skeptically as she noticed the teal purse in Sikowit'z hand.

"I don't have a women's purse." Sikowitz said as he looked at the teal women's purse in his hand. "Good Gandi where did this come from?" Sikowitz said clearly confused as the rest of us on why he was holding a women's purse. "And where's my dozen bagles." Sikowitz asked in a pouty voice as he began to feel himself up for bagles.

"Can me and Tori leave?" I asked feeling disinterested since this conversation wasn't going anywhere and me and Tori still needed to pack for our trip to Paris.

"Wait" Sikowitz instructed me "How would you teenagers like to do something for money?" Sikowitz asked.

"I have plenty of money and I don't need anymore." I said as I left with my arm wrapped around Tori as we headed straight out the door to get ready for our trip to Paris. 

That night me and Tori where getting ready to board the plan when a huge fire happened that caused all the engines to combust off of all our private jets. While the engines where combusting I grabbed onto Tori's arm gently as I just looked around at the sight horrified at what was taking place. It wasn't like this was new since someone had been trying to kill me and Tori for forever know, however the mere thought that someone would set fire to all the engines just made me realize that this person was either wealthy enough to get someone to do such a horrific act for them or that they were smart enough to cause such a thing to happen. Either or one thing was certain and that was that someone wanted us dead and they wouldn't stop until they had what they wanted meaning that I was just gonna have to stay one step ahead of them at all times. 

"What the fuck!" I yelled out clearly displeased with this murder's actions. I couldn't think of any possible reason why someone would try to hurt my girlfriend unless it had to do with the way that the family business was ran and if that was the case then the person still had no right to hurt Tori. I couldn't think of anyone that Tori had wronged unless it was that Lee family that had caused all of these misdoings. The mother did like to haunt her money around to everyone so she was definitely rich enough to cause such a monstrous deal but was she smart enough to, I mean she did think that her daughter had a great voice so she had to be stupid to believe that. 

After noticing the stunned look on my face Tori touched my arm gently and spoke in a calm and reassuring voice "Why don't we just take the trip another time I'm sure that your dad can get someone to repair these helicopters and in the mean time we can just perform the song with the rest of our friends." Tori stupidly said, not getting that these helicopters breaking might not be a problem but the fact that someone was out to get us was.

"Someone's out to get us!" I accidentally yelled at Tori as I tried to keep my cool. 

"You don't know that for sure." Tori told me as she was able to keep her cool for whatever reason. 

"Look around us Tori all the jets and helicopters just blew up!" I reminded Tori as her bag began to blow up and I took the bag from her and throw it before it could blow up accidently blowing up the house in the process. The explosion was enough to kill everyone in the house which as far as I was concerned consisted of Crystal, two chiefs, a maid, and a taxi driver.

"It could just be a coincidence" Tori stated stupidly. 

"Right and let me guess so was that bomb exploding!" I yelled at her as I could fell panic begin to swerve up in my chest. 

"Calm down Jade, why don't we just go back to our friends and help them with the song." Tori said as she tried to calm me down. 

"I'm not doing anything revolving around kids." I told Tori truthfully since everybody knew how much I clearly hated kids. 

"Andre said their offering a thousand bucks each for it." Tori told me, for some weird reason thinking that a thousand bucks was gonna cut it. Something that Tori still didn't seem to get was that a thousand bucks felt like fifty cents to a Carrington.

"I'm loaded there's no need for such useless things." I told her as I reached inside my black leather jacket to reveal to her my gold premium credit card which had an endless amount of money on it. I knew that Tori had one too since I had given one to her for her Christmas present last year.

"Then why don't we just watch a movie?" Tori asked me and although I did feel nervous about everything I did feel like watching a movie could help me calm down a little bit.

"OK, but you choose the movie." I told her as we headed out to the garage to find out that both my car and my motorcycle had been tampered with.

"Let's just walk there." Tori said awkwardly as I nodded in agreement and walked with Tori too Tori's house. It was about an hour walk but luckily nothing else super dangerous had happened on our walk to Tori's house. However though when we got there we saw a letter on the tv, written in blood that wrote 'Your next, think about who you associate yourself with before it can get everyone you love and care for dead'. 

This was about the time where Tori began to panic and I had to hold her still to calm her down. We both where to paranoid to watch a movie or even go to sleep that night. Tori's dad arrived back home around three am and we had showed him the note and explained to him what had happened and he promised us that he would keep an eye out for anything else that seemed suspicious and to come to him if we noticed anything else out of the ordinary. 

Tori's dad had made both of us promise to stay at a safe house until everything had seemed to cool down and we had both agreed and handed over our phones and anything electronic that we could be tracked on to him. He gave both of us two walkie talkies so we could be able to talk to our friends with them and had even promised us that Trina would give them the walkie talkies the next time that she saw them at school. He called one of his friend from the police department to come pick us up and while we waited for him to pick us up I helped Tori pack up her bag. I had a few clothes with me that I had packed for the trip to Paris that we were going to have and a few clothes that I had left with Tori but it was only enough to last me maybe a month or two and then I was going to have to start using Tori's clothes if we didn't find a solution to our problem by then. 

After about twenty or so minutes the police car came to pick us up and Tori's dad handed us six months worth full of food before sending us out to the car. Once in the car Tori and I sat in the back while the cop brought us to an underground bunker that was two states down. Me and Tori just sat in the car in silence until we got there and once we got there we jumped to the underground layer which persisted of a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a secret hide out ground underneath. The living room had a rock as a chair, the tv was an old one that was probably made in the 60's but had looked like it had just been fixed up probably by one of Tori's dad's cop friend up here, the bathroom was just a bucket as a toilet and nothing else but a few rolls of toilet paper besides it, the kitchen was a fire place and right next to it where a few logs and about three match boxes, and the bedroom was just a float made out of logs that could fit two people but we where going to have to be extremely close for it to work. All though this wasn't the best circumstance for us to live under it did still provide a place for us to stay until everything got back to normal and I was thankful for that.

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