Chapter 17

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About a month or so later Tori's dad had ended up catching the cuprite which ended up being my dad which I didn't know why I was so surprised over. My dad didn't care about me or who I loved he only cared about himself and his money. Still I had to admit that even the thought about what he did still brought me to shreds. All I ever wanted was for my dad to love me and it was as if the love I had for my dad didn't mean a thing to him. This left me utterly defeated and heartbroken. He hadn't never loved me and never would and I was beginning to see this.

I knew that I had to stop thinking about my dad and the pain that he had inflicted upon me all throughout my childhood so I decided that try out was going to try out for 'The Wood' which was a new Hollywood related tv show about students at Hollywood and their chosen school to go into for this season was Hollywood Arts. I figured that a good way to forget about my dad was to separate my name from his name and all though we might still share the same name in honor of my grandfather I was going to get a separate reputation from his.Instead of being known as the daughter of criminal and business owner Blake Carrington I was going to be famous tv star Jade West and all though I still planned on owning my daddy's company so that Tori and I along with our children could always have a roof over our head and food on the table it still felt good to make another name for myself. So here I was at the blackbox theater lined up in a line so that I could get featured on 'The wood'.

Me and Tori had arrived there together so she was right before me and before she went up I gave her a good luck kiss and wished her good luck. She approached the auditioning area with a huge smile on her face and introduced herself as Tori Vega and for whatever reason felt the need to point out that she was a girl. 

"We can tell." One of the directors told her and Tori just shrugged nonchalantly.

"Ok Tori, this is a real informal auditon." The other director informed her. 

"Where just trying to get a fell for your personality." The first director explained to her.

"Got it, feel away." Tori said playfully, getting an eye roll from me.

"What's the worst thing you've ever done?" The second director asked Tori.

"Oh, oh wow." Tori said as she looked down, looking as if she was thinking "Oh I know, I once stole one of my best friend's girlfriends and slept with her when she was in a relationship with said best friend." Tori confessed. 

"Put a star by this girl." I heard the director demand from the computer girl.

"One last thing are you single?" The girl asked Tori.

"No she's not, bye!" I yelled over at the girl. 

Next up was my turn and the first director asked me what I hated. Well this was easy I had a slap page dedicated to things that I hated.

"Ahh. Tuna fish, flowers, giggling, the word 'panties', sulantro, rainbows, ducks. Man I hate ducks. Cramps, string cheese, clocks, wet doorknobs, bras that hook in the front, the color yellow, my dad, carpenting." I went on and saw the guy tap on the the thirsty girl's shoulder. 

The next day Andre was trying to flirt with Tori and had immediately stopped when I gave him a death glare.

"Hey babe, smell my arm." Trina randomly instructed from Beck as she stretched out her arm for Beck to smell. "No perfume that's my natural scent." Trina told Beck after Beck had smelled her arm. What the fuck did Beck see in her?

"I have to live with her." Tori reminded us.

"Ughh, don't remind me I hate seeing Trina everyday." I told Tori angrily as I rolled my eyes at the mere thought of having to see Trina after I got home from school everyday. After Tori's dad had arrested my dad they had invited me to live with them and I couldn't not take a great offer like that so of course I said yes. Living with Tori's family did come with a few perks like I got to see Tori every waking moment of the day and I didn't have to constantly hear my dad try to convince me that business and money was better then love but unfourtanlty living with them did come with a few draw backs. The drawback being having to hear Trina sing 24/7 and she sang terrible whether we where in the shower, sleeping, eating, enjoying a romantic night together. Her singing made me feel like we where suffering in hell.

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