Chapter 21

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Today in class we where learning the eliminate of surprise and the actors for this assignment consisted of Beck, Cat, and Andre. They where performing a scene where someone kidnapped some girl and the detectives where trying to figure out where they hid the girl. I wasn't entirely aware of what was going on since I was currently in the process of getting the asses to my dad's accounts and since I was planning on proposing to Tori someday soon I figured that it would be for the best if I payed more attention to the current state of the Carrington money then to whatever was going on onstage. 

I was pretty caught up in my work to pay attention to what was going on around me but was soon interrupted by Sikowitz randomly stating that he didn't like Jori.

"Excuse me?" I asked him angrily as I looked up from my phone.

"That got your attention didn't it?" Sikowitz asked with a prideful smirk on his face which jus got a glare back from me. "You and Tori make a lovely couple." Sikowitz tried to reassure me probably feeling worried that I might kill him.

"I know." I stated as I directed my attention back to my phone and what was currently going on with the Carrington money.

Suddenly the bell for lunch began to ring and I began to get up still feeling frustrated with Sikowitz's random act of stating that he didn't ship Jori. I mean how could you not ship me and Tori, we where perfect for each other. 

"It's lunchtime get out," Sikowitz demanded from me and sure enough out of a fit of rage I was the first one out the door. Although Sikowitz was my favorite teacher just moments before I had decided that this had brought him down to being my least favorite teacher. 

Later that day during lunch I had decided to go to the Carrington bank to get a new Carrington card to buy my new house with. I mean the Vega's where nice for letting me stay with them and I was forever in their debt for it but that didn't change the fact that I wanted a future with Tori soon and that future included us living in a separate house from Tori's parents. 

Once I was at the bank I went up to the help desk, who helped me right away and directed me to the accountant. The accountant had informed me that I had over nine billion dollars in my account and handed me my card. I signed some paperwork and put my new card into my new puppet fur purse. I couldn't believe that after about seven months of not having money to spare that I was finally inheriting my nine billion dollars.

The next day at school I had finished my transition and was attending an open house tonight meaning that I had plenty of time to pay attention to Tori and to my classes, but mainly to Tori. Currently, Beck, Sikowitz, Andre Tori, and I where in Sikowitz's classroom just talking about Tori's audition. Truthfully I couldn't remember Tori telling me anything about an audition but I figured that she probably just told me yesterday when I was busy settling everything down.

"They told me I looked to much like the actress who's playing the main lead and invited me to play the stunt double so I said ok." Tori said seeming kind of depressed about it.

"I have to tuke you in each night for you to fall asleep cause you claim that monsters are hiding under your bed, what would make you believe that you could do a stunt?" I asked Tori, not wanting to put her down but knowing that I had to make her think about this rationally.

"I don't I'm not a stunt double!" Tori exclaimed as she got up clearly upset.

"Then why did you accept the job?" Sikowitz asked Tori.

"I don't know cause I'm stupid." Tori said seeming really bothered about this.

"Your not stupid it's just every choose you make is." I told Tori, hoping that this would make her feel better.

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