Chapter 24

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It was a few days before I had finished my suspension and Tori had told me about a prom event that she had recently come up with. I found the idea of a prom lame since I hated dances and romance but I loved Tori so I agreed to go. This was going to be the first school event since I got suspended so I was kind of excited to go back to school. Although I would deny it if anybody ever asked me. 

Right now I was currently looking ar a computer screen with Tori as we tried to talk about how we were going to set up prom. "Alright, I created this little computer module of the asphalt cafe." Tori told me as she showed me the module of the cafe. "So a lot of people were telling me that they don't want a normal prom so I was thinking maybe we could call it a prome." Tori continued on.

"That's the dumbest idea I've ever heard." I told Tori flat out.

"Ok then, what do you recommend?" Tori asked me since she seemed to be desperate for ideas.

"I think it should be horror themed." I told her since that's the theme that I wanted ever since she had told me that I was going to have to go to a stupid prom event. "I think their should be decapated dolls everywhere, the punch should look like blood, and it should be pitch black while all we can hear is the noise of someone being murdered." I told Tori as I felt proud of myself for the idea that I had come up with.

"Alright, that's an idea." Tori told me as she seemed kind of hesitant about the idea.

"I think 'Evanescence' should be the singer." I told Tori since I felt like Evanescence was a singer that everybody could get behind.

"Don't you think that theme is a little to dark?" Tori asked me seeming kind of uncomfortable with my idea.

"Did you not say..." I began "I want to make the prome different." I said as I mimicked Tori's voice.

"I don't talk like that." Tori sneered at me.

"Did you not say that?" I asked Tori.

"I did." Tori said in a low voice as she began to hunch over a bit.

"So you'll do that right?" I asked Tori as I smirked at her viciously. 

"Yeah, I guess." Tori said as she began to cave into my theme "But we are not making the room dark, I want to see my breathtaking girlfriend as I slow dance with her." Tori told me sternly and I couldn't help but smile at this comment.

Later that week I had picked Tori up for "prome", I was wearing a long dark blue dress and Tori was wearing a short pink dress.

"You look amazing." I told Tori truthfully as I couldn't help but take in the beautiful sight before me. 

"You look great too Jade." Tori told me as she looked down blushing cutely.

"So should we go?" I asked Tori as I continued to take in her beauty.

"Wait, wait before you go I want to take a picture to show the grand kids in the future." Mrs.Vega said as she ran up to us with a camera.

I would have fought against this but Mrs.Vega had done a lot for me already so I figured that letting her take a few pictures was the least that I could do. So I came inside and let her take a few pictures of us together. There where three pictures of us in general, one was of me kissing Tori's check, another was of me wrapping my arm around Tori, and the third was of me dipping her down low as the two of us gazed lovingly into eachother's eyes.

After the pictures where taken it was finally time for me and Tori to head off to "prome" together so of course I took her by my own personal limbo.

When she saw the limo her eyes widened in shock "Wow Jade, I had no idea that you rode in stuff other then motorcycles." Tori teased me.

"Yeah, well don't get used to it I just figured that you would want the classic prome experience so I got Michele to drive the limo just for tonight." I told her truthfully since I couldn't imagine me in a car for more then five minutes. 

We then walked over to the limo and I opened the door for her and helped her in before I seated myself in.

Once we got their Tori took a look around to make sure that everything looked ok. "Ok, lights done. Evanscene on the way. Decorations, creepy." Tori said approvingly as she took a look around.

I had to admit that I loved the directions especially the banners with the words 'Your life is about to end' on them painted in what I presumed to be fake blood.

After walking a few steps more we had been bestowed with the view of Sinjin licking a balloon that looked as if it just came off the set of 'It'. 

"Sinjin do not lick the balloons!" Tori yelled over to Sinjin as she spoke into a microphone. Tori then handed me the microphone as she gave him a puzzled look.

"Be free" Sinjin spoke to the balloon before letting it go.

"Babe, can you go get some punch for us, I have to go talk to Andre for a bit." Tori told me as she began heading over towards Andre.

"Yeah sure." I said before kissing her and heading over the blood like punch.

A few seconds later as she came upstairs I followed her upstairs and handed her, her punch.

"Thanks babe." Tori thanked me as she thanked me with a kiss and I kissed her back. 

Tori then turned around to speak into the microphone "Ok, everyone gather around. Welcome to the first ever Hollywood Arts prome!" Tori said into the microphone as everyone began to cheer.'"Ok, ok Evanescene would be here soon and in the mean time if you still haven't voted for Hollywood Art's king and queen you still have time." Tori told everyone before heading downstairs with me and we just danced and talked. I wasn't one for dancing but I knew that Tori was and I wanted tonight to be special for her. 

Moments later Evanscene came and began singing 'My immortal'.

After a few hours of us just singing and talking Andre had approached us to tell us how much everyone was enjoying the prome. 

"Yeah, it is pretty awesome." I said with a smirk as I looked at Tori lovingly causing her to blush.

By the end of the night Tori had run back upstairs. "I'm so glad that you've all had a lovely night but before you all leave I'll like to announce prome king and queen. Who've you all voted for on the slap." Tori said as she got her pearpod ready so that she could announce the winners. "Ok, Hollywood Arts first ever prome quenn is Tori Vega." Tori read out as it quite clearly hadn't hit her yet that she had won. "I won!" Tori said excitedly as it became clear to her that she won prome quenn. "I won!" Tori excitedly repeated."And Hollywood Arts first ever prome king is Jade West." Tori read off as a crown started to bestow my head, typically I would complain about this but I knew that this probably made Tori beyond happy so I just decided to smile. Tori then headed downstairs and once she went downstairs they placed her crown on the top of her head.

I looked at Tori lovingly as I extended out my hand for her to take "Can I have this dance?" I asked Tori as she grabbed onto my hand and smiled at me cutely.

"You may." Tori replied as the biggest smile in the world lit up her features as we began to dance to the song 'Good Enough'.

"I guess this is our song." I told Tori as I look at her lovingly. 

"I thought 'Always Remember us This Way' was our song." Tori told me lovingly and I couldn't help but fall even deeper in love with her. Although the concept of going to prom would ever remain lame and stupid the idea of prome however would always seem like a dream come true to me cause that's what tonight was, a dream come true.

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