Chapter 23

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There was recently a play that the majority of the students had applied for known as 'Steam Boat Suzy' I had decided not to apply because I didn't want something as stupid as a school play to affect my relationship with the person that I loved more than anything else in the world. Besides if I was in a play I wanted it to be a horror film. Somethin about a steamboat captain just bored me but something about a murderer on the run, now that's something that I could get behind.

"Wait...wait...wait." Sikowitz demanded from us as we all began to leave to head to lunch. I figured that he was going to discuss who got the lead role in 'Steam Boat Sussy' and I could guarantee you that Tori got the part. Tori was the best actress in this school, right after me of course.

"Would anyone be interested in seeing the cast list for a little play called 'Steam Boat Sussy'?" Sikowitz asked as he took the cast list out of his pocket and held it out for everybody to see.

Everyone cheered in excitement except for me who wanted to get straight to the point.

"Tori got the lead role right?" I asked Sikowitz, not really feeling the need to care about anything else the strange man had to say.

"That is correct." SIkowitz reassured me.

"See I told you, you would get the lead." I told Tori as I turned around to face her and she just looked down blushing cutely.

"I know." Tori mumbled cutely under her breath as she continued to look down, blushing.

Later that day I was at my locker making out with Tori when the new girl just randomly bumps into us.

"Excuse you!" I yelled at her agitatedly as she tried to walk away. "I'm talking to you!" I yelled at her angrily having a feeling that I was about to have to strike some fear within this girl.

"I'm sorry I most have not seen miss untalented and her hideous girlfriend." The girl said as she began to become green from envy. I had a feeling that I knew what this was about and there was only one thing to do about a bitch like her.

"Excuse me but Tori got that part cause she deserved it." I told her as I immediately started to defend my girlfriend.

"Right the worst actress at Hollywood Arts randomly gets the lead role right after her girlfriend gets transferred a shit ton of money." The girl said with sass quite clearly trying to accuse me of something that never happened. I hated lots of things and being accused of something I didn't do was one of those things.

"Actually the worst actress at Hollywood Arts got nothing!" I shot back at her as I tried to hint at her that she was the worst actress at Hollywood Arts.

"Take it back!" She demanded from it.

"Make me." I childishly retorted back

She came up to me trying to take a jab at me and I immediately grabbed her wrist and twisted it, making sure to break it as I did so.

"You bitch!" She yelled at me as the sound of her bones being torn apart could be heard.

I was about to say something but before I knew it Lance had demanded us to go inside of his office.

"I didn't do anything this little bitch started randomly coming at me and my girlfriend." I said angrily as we headed towards his office.

"Just get in here." Lance demanded from both of us as we got inside his office. "Please make yourselves comfortable." Lance said as he sat down at his special seat.

The annoying bitch immediately sat down but I refused to sit when I shouldn't even be in this office in the first place.

"Jade, your not going to sit?" Lance asked me clearly not getting the fact that I shouldn't be in here.

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