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   All is quiet in the throne room of the ice castle, the queen sitting quietly while reading a book. Upon closer inspection it shows it was written in a language that only a slight few  in Middle Earth could read.

   The swishing of fabric averted the queen's attention to the door, where her lieutenant stood. "My Lady. I bring a letter from Lord Elrond of Imladris. He says it is urgent." The blond  woman bowed and handed the letter to the queen. She set down her book, and took the letter in her pale slender hands. They looked as if they had never seen battle, but  if you thought that, you were wrong.

   "Thank you Wylana." The queen opened it swiftly and took out the faded piece of parchment to read the words.

  My Dear Queen,

Urgently is an understatement. I will not dance around the subject as I know you hate that, so here it is. The one ring has been found, we are having a council on the 25 of October. It is crucial you come, this matter is of utter importance to the whole of Middle Earth, your people's secrets are in danger. 

To know what you should expect here is a list of the beings that are attending. Dwarves, Elves, Men, Mithrandir, Hobbits, and  if you come Frost Walkers. The nobility in each is also included, Dwarves; Gimli son of Gloin,Gloin is also attending. Elves; Legolas Greenleaf son of Thranduil, Prince of  Mirkwood. There will also be some advisors. Men; Aragorn son of Arathorn, the heir to Isildur. I believe you were good friends with his father and mother. There will also be Boromir son of Denethor, the steward of Gondor. You obviously know Mithrandir. As for the hobbits, they do not have nobility but they have came this way carrying the ring so I shall introduce them. Although only Frodo will be attending the council. Samwise Gamgee, Peregrin Took, Meriadoc BrandyBuck, and Frodo Baggins.

Be as hasty as you possibly can, the one ring has been found. This could very well start a second war.

Of the most sincerest,

Lord Elrond of Imladris

   The Queen finished the letter and looked to Wylana. "Wylana ready our dragons. We must go immediately. The one ring has been found." Wylana was shocked and grasped onto the throne to make herself stable. "But, my lady. That means-" 

   "I know very well what it means, that's why Grace will rule in my place while we are both gone. Now go tell her, I will meet you in the stables I must get ready." The second in command nodded and strode out the door.

   The Queen walked a couple hallways down and entered her chambers. There she shed her previous dress and slid on a skintight, black, bodysuit. Along with silver armor that was stronger and lighter than mithril. She clipped on a camouflage cloak and brushed her hair. She packed light, and soon was off. Her crown on her head and her rainbow eyes narrowed confidently. 

   She walked towards a ice/wooden building on the top of a mountain. It took up the entire mountain top and there were more just like it on others. As she got to the top Wylana met her, Fenitil, her dragon, by her side. The queen's dragon only came when it was called by her, so Wylana had no way to call her. 

   The queen closed her eyes and soon the most beautiful of all dragons landed next to her, the queen mounted and whispered. "Good girl Rune." Soon they were off flying towards the line of dark gray and beyond that green......... The only thing on the queens mind was 'I hope my people are safe.'

WHEW it's the prologue people!!SO I'm really excited for this book, I know I have a Ninjago one I'm writing also but inspiration hit me straight in the face so I had to start writing this one. Just so you know LOTR is my most favorite series ever, the books and movies are both awesome. Now for some pictures, None of these pictures are mine I got them off the internet just so you know.



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