Riders of Rohan

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Hellooooo. I know? Two updates in one month?! I must be sick. Reminds me your new quote!!!
"For free? You guys must be sick." What movie and who said it?

   And uh..... please don't kill your lovely author.

   "They run as if the very master and their whips were behind them." Legolas observes and my eyes roll again. I think I've been doing that too much lately.

   "Well, I think you would too if your master was Saruman. Last time I saw him wasn't exactly pleasant." I spoke bitterly, gaining a curious look from my companions.

   "We had a fight, my was THAT one to remember. I cut off his beard, he nearly destroyed the mountain and in the end we all went home. Him with a shorter beard, and I with a new staff." I stated simply, making the eyebrows rise even higher.

   "You must have some very interesting stories." Legolas tells me, the sun going down. Aragorn stops and we all stop behind him.

   "Oh yeah. Loads." I wave it off, but smirk at all the embarrassing facts I had stored in my head.

   "We will rest tonight. Start at first light tomorrow." Aragorn tells us and we kneel, I lean against Rune and let my exhaustion run over me. She hums and curls up, her tail around me as they create a fire. When they finally gather the wood, they start trying to create a spark.

    I at first watch in amusement as they curse (mainly Gimli but sometimes Aragorn) but after a while and many pleading looks from the blond elf, wave my hand and it catches flame, saving them the trouble.

   "You couldn't have done that earlier lass?" Gimli mutters gruffly and I snicker, hiding it behind my hand and a cough.

   "But where would be the fun in that? That was absolutely hilarious." I respond, taking out a piece of Lembas from my bag and chomping down. The other two gather closer to the fire but Legolas comes and sits next to me, leaning against Rune.

   The said dragon lifts up her head sleepily, sees Legolas, and then drops back down. I look over and smile, leaning back and watching the stars.

   "We'll take first watch." The elf's voice startles me from my thoughts and I see the other two give us both looks, laying down. In moments they were asleep.

   I stare at him curiously. The moonlight and firelight reflected perfectly off his features, making them look almost otherworldly. His eyes were lightly pointed, making sense since he was an elf obviously. The pale sheen of his hair almost identical to mine looked both silver and gold in the contrasting light.

   He turns to me and I blink rapidly, tying to make it look like I wasn't totally staring. The red painting my face probably told him otherwise. Rune shifts, probably on purpose to be honest, and makes me slide across her scales until we were touching.

   I glare at the dragon as she sneakily smiles and slides one eye half open. I smack her and she huffs, closing the eyes and slipping back into slumber. I make to pull away but realize his arm has already wound its way behind my back and around my waist, our hands intertwined.

   "Well would you look at that." I whisper, blinking down at our hands. I hesitantly lean my head on his shoulder and watch the fire crackle. My eyes droop but I force them open, not willing to fall asleep.

   "Go to sleep Galelie. It is alright." I feel his hushed voice in my ear but I stubbornly shake my head, using my other hand to rub my eyes.

   "No. It's not. And leave you up all by yourself with only the stars? I don't think so." I frown and lift my head reluctantly. I feel him sigh and I smile a little.

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