Councils of War, Meetings of Peace

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   I walked into the room, Wylana at my heels. The talking quieted to a murmur as I passed by each chair to sit at mine, Wylana stood behind me her hand on her sword, Fenitil at her side. Rune was curled on my shoulders puffing steam every now and then, I nodded to Wylana and she straightened, Fenitil curled around her feet and rested like a cat. 

   This was the standard resting guard position, if I had a choice Wylana would sit with me but there were no more chairs and Wylana would refuse. The talking had now entirely stopped and all eyes were resting curiously on us. No doubt wondering what two women, or if they were educated Frost Walkers, were doing here.

   "Does no one have anything better to do than stare at us? I do believe this is a council of importance. It is the only reason we came, otherwise I would be home finishing my book, and training."

   I raised my eyebrow at the males around me. "Imbeciles." Wylana muttered under her breath and I cover my mouth with my right hand. I smacked Wylana on the arm with my left.

   "Wylana, that's not nice!" I frowned I fake disapproval and she smiled slightly. "But it is true is it not my lady?" She blinked innocently at me and I let out a laugh, bending over in my chair to calm myself. The others were looking at us, lost as little children. I managed to calm myself and looked around.

   "If your done ogling us can we get on with the council? We do not have all day do we?" Most of them went back to  their previous conversations, with only glances at us here and there. But one red headed man continued to eye us, almost distrustfully and angrily. Wylana went back to her stoic and cold expression, her posture tightened and ready. I sat straight in my chair, Rune raised her head when Elrond walked through the door and into his chair.

   "My Lord Elrond, why are women at this council. Shouldn't they be in the kitchens or cleaning our rooms?" The red haired man from before stood and gestured toward us angrily. Wylana started forward but I held up my hand and she stopped, the gold of her blade half out of its sheath.

   I stood stiffly and walked toward the man. When I was almost nose to nose with him  I began to speak.

   "Man of Gondor, do you know who I am? I am Galelie, queen of the Frost Walkers. Master of the elements, and one of the oldest beings in history.  I have seen and felt more wars and losses than the history of you people combined throughout the years, and I am still standing. 

   "I watched one of my best friends die at the hands of Sauron during the final battle 3,000 years ago, protecting her love Isildur from the blow. She was murdered before my eyes, yet here I am. Still ruling my people and still living, with hope that one day everything will get better."

   I stalked back to my seat, turning around I held my head up proudly and asked," So is this council going to get started or are we going to just sit around? You all had better watch your tongue around me, or I might just cut it out." He looked at me shocked and Rune growled her own little warning.

   He went back to his seat and my eyes wandered the council. Everyone Elrond said would be here was, I looked across the council and my rainbow eyes met sky blue ones. A small, sad smile ghosted across my lips as I recognized Legolas, son of Thranduil. His mother was a close friend of mine, I was distraught for many years after she had died.

   Our eyes lingered on the other for a while until Elrond spoke up.

   "Strangers of distance lands, friends of old, you have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor.... Middle Earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it, you will unite, or you will fall. Each race is bound to this fate this one doom. Bring forth the ring Frodo."

   I looked in pity at the hobbit as he walked up to the pedestal, as he set down the ring and sank back into his seat he seemed to let out a sigh, as if a great weight had been lifted off his shoulders. I glanced at the ring feeling its anger and resentment towards me, towards my light and power. I hissed quietly and tightened up in my chair.

   Wylana simply closed her eyes and put a hand on her head for Frost Walkers are pure beings, much like elves, except with greater amounts of power that evil seeks to destroy or use. Wylana is probably in anguish being this close to the ring. I laid my hand on her arm but she shook her head and stood up straighter than before, glaring defiantly at the ring.

   "So it is true...." The Gondorian from before murmured under his breath. I turned my head toward him, assessing him carefully. Wylana flexed her fingers, ready to defend me if something happens.

   "It is a gift, a gift to the foes of Mordor.  Long has my father, the Steward of Gondor kept the forces of Mordor at bay, by the blood of our people. Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy, let us use it against him." So this man was Boromir, the steward's firstborn son. I've never liked the line of stewards. They are all greedy men who go mad for power, but I do know of Boromir's younger brother who seems to be a very good man.

   "You cannot wield it, none of us can." Aragorn sat forward and I was stricken by how similar he looked to his forefathers. My mind flashed back to a happier time....


   "No Isildur s-stop!" I followed the giggling and laughing of the happy couple to the courtyard, where the great tree bloomed full in the summer heat. Rounding the corner I came to a laughing Phylona on the ground while Isildur tickled her.

   "Momma!!" The little boy I had my hand on squealed and sprinted forward, bowling into the parents and sending everyone into new tears of laughter. I laughed and walked until I was leaning against the closest pillar.

   "He was getting bored of sword fighting so I decided to bring him to see you instead." Isildur looked up and smiled at me in thanks, his gray eyes sparkling with happiness at seeing his family together. Turning back to his wife, who had gathered the little boy on her lap and was now counting the petals of a rose with him, he kissed her on the cheek before getting up and walking back into his home.

   "Momma, what's this flower called again?" The little boy asked curiously, pointing at a plant with small white flowers. It looked a lot like a weed at first glance, nothing special. But as all healers know, athelas or kingsfoil, can be used for many injuries. It is especially useful in the hands of the king.

   "That, Isindar, is athelas. It has many healing properties. Do you remember your lessons with Corinna?" The little boy pouted and glanced at the rose.

   "I wasn't listening..." He admitted sheepishly and his mother laughed, kissing the top of his head. I sat down on the bench next to the and Isindar looked up at me, his beautiful gray eyes sharp and sparkling with love and happiness that was not to last.


   I jolted back to reality and Wylana looked at me concerned for the pained look on my face. I covered it with a smile and waved her off, she went back to her guard position but glanced at me now and then to make sure I was alright.I realized Legolas was now standing defending Aragorn from whatever Boromir had remarked.

   "And heir to the throne of Gondor." Legolas was calm but I could see the fire in his eyes as he spoke, they must be close. I let my eyes slide over to Aragorn, he turned his gaze onto me after uttering his next words directed at Legolas,

   "Havo dad, Legolas." His gray eyes met my multicolored ones and I smiled at him kindly, speaking in his mind. 'You have come far... son of Arathorn. I knew your parents, and Isildur too. As a matter of fact I have something I want to discuss with you after the council.' His eyes widened a fraction but he nodded all the same and we turned back when Boromir spoke again, poison and hate dripping off his words.

" Gondor has no king.... Gondor needs no king." He then went back to his seat, my and Wylana's hate filled glare on his back. 

   Ok, this chapter was so long I'm splitting it up. Next chapter will be when the fellowship was formed, then like a seeing off party that night for the fellowship.  As always, stay crazy my little hobbits!

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