And So We Begin Again

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Heya guys! What's up?? Corona virus has officially started the apocalypse! Yay!! You guys'll be happy with this chapter (hopefully)!

Your quote of the day; "Some people are worth melting for." Who said it, and who'd they said it TO. HAHA! I changed it up on you guys! *Snorts and hits face on desk* I need a life. Anyway- ENJOY!

   I close my eyes, standing perfectly still and letting the sun's rays hit my face. I raise the blades so that their almost touching my face and take a deep breath. I jump into action; swirling, ducking, slashing, parrying, and stabbing at invisible opponents.

   The only sounds around me was the rustling of the yellow grass on the landing where I stood, far above helms deep on a pillar of rock on the mountain. I had decided to climb it when I needed space.

   Twirl, stab, leaping slash, pivot, cross blades slash and kick. Over and over again until a voice stops me.

   "Never have I seen such a style, as if you are flying off the ground- spending more time in the air than on the earth." I land in a crouch, opening my eyes and look up to see Legolas standing on the edge of the rock. His golden hair reflecting the rays and his eyes as blue as the sky.

   "It is an old Frost Walker style. We do not use it much anymore, for it is a light footed style made for fighting on thin sheets of ice and snow. Let your opponent slip and fall while we simply dance on top of it." I stand and slide my blades into their sheaths, going over and picking up a piece of bread I had taken from the kitchens before I climbed the rock.

   "Now, we no longer fight in our own frozen home. Instead fighting in land such as these, where heavier techniques are required." I tear off a piece of bread and chew it thoughtfully, looking over the landscape.

   "Aragorn's death was not your fault." He whispers quietly, coming beside me as I grow cold at the remembrance of it. I grip the Evening Star around my neck tightly.

   "And yet it is yours? Nay. I chose to help Gimli and thought nothing to check on him. He fell. I swore to Arwen I would see him sat on his throne and I failed." I said coldly, turning my eyes on his blue ones and holding their gaze.

   "Just because you are a queen, does not mean you have to bear this burden alone my lady." He whispers and a hand brushes my cheek. My face slowly softens.

   "But who would help me bear it?" I whisper back as we lean closer and closer. We barely brush lips as he whispers;

   "Me." A great yelling is heard and we jump apart. I turn around and gather my cloak off the ground, my face burning with embarassment. He looks over the side and frowns.

   "There is a commotion at the gate." I nod at his observation and whistle, Rune comes up a few minutes later and I slide on. I gesture behind me and he sits on her back, linking his arms around my waist and look around almost nervously. I swallow the lump in my throat and manage a dry chuckle.

"Scared Greenleaf?" He shoots me a exasperated look.

"Forgive me, my lady, if I have never ridden a dragon before." He snarks back and I laugh again, urging Rune off the edge, she swoops down as we go to investigate.


Arwen lays on her bed as the moon rises, weak. She sits up as her father comes into the Room and calls her name softly.

   "Arwen. It is time." He states softly and she turns to him silently.

   "The ships are leaving for Valinor. Go now... before it is too late." He tells her in elvish. She simply shakes her head, looking at him challengingly.

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