Fangorn and a Friend

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Well well well. Back again. Glad I could finish this chapter in time am I right my fellow writers here? Just kidding. I got my phone taken then I got sick. So..... sorry. I know. I suck. I promise I'll stick to my update schedule from now on.😅👍👍 AND THANK YOU FOR 7,000 READS AND #3 IN LEGOLAS—LIKE WHAT?!?!

   Anyway, your quote. "Great, I was really going for that "lucky baby maker" vibe." Who said it and what movie is it from?

We walk into the woods, or we WALKED into the woods a few hours ago. We had been stumbling and tracking the hobbits for awhile now, over roots and branches. How Aragorn does it, I will never know.

"I'm starting to doubt your ability son of Arathorn. How the hobbits ever managed to run this far, with their tiny legs, I will never ever know." I sigh, jumping over a particularly large root. He shoots me a look and I just smile sarcastically back at him.

"Orc blood." Gimli spits something out and I wrinkle my nose in disgust.

"Why would you put that in your mouth?" I question, Legolas snickers, covering it up with a cough. Gimli simply glares.

"Well I don't see you helping Lass." He growls. I roll my eyes, whistling for Rune. She comes bounding up.

"Search for the hobbits." I state and she snorts, bounding off into the woods. I inhale, closing my eyes. The forest is old, there are live things in here, and they aren't animals.

"Galelie." Legolas's quiet voice startles me and I jump. He laughs and I glare, rolling my eyes and sprinting after Aragorn. We jump over a small river, one after the other.

"These are strange tracks. Galelie, come look and tell us if you can." Aragorn beckons me to him and I obey, kneeling down and creasing my brow as I brush my hand slightly over the earth.

"The air is so close in here." The dwarf speaks again and I roll my eyes, snorting softly.

"It's a forest master dwarf, an extremely old forest. These tracks are from something just as old. A esprits d'arbre." (Tree Spirit) I explain, steeping back next to Legolas. Aragorn, not understanding the term, frowns and kneels down.

"Westron please." He mutters. I exhale loudly and dramatically.

"Tree spirit." I state. Legolas turns to me.

"You feel it too then? It's very old." He whispers to me and I nod hesitantly. His breath ghosted over my ear and cheek, causing me to repress a slight shiver. Yes. Things totally weren't awkward for me at all. Oh Eru help me.

"It is full of memory, and anger." He says out loud so everyone can hear while gazing around. The tree suddenly groans, startling me. My hand slides into the elf's. His expression was one of slightly surprise but when the groaning continued I squeezed it and he squeezes back.

Gimli hefts his axe as we twirl around, the tree seem to progressively get louder. I, being used to wider spaces and lighter areas, quickly feel anxiety trickle through me. My breathing becomes quicker and my hand progressively tightens. Legolas notices and tugs me into a hug, his arms looping around my waist and holding my back to his chest.

"The trees are speaking to each other." Legolas observes rapidly.

"Well make them stop!" I raise my voice, panic seeping into the words. My companions glance towards me in concern, I glare at them and the two that aren't holding me look away.

"Gimli... lower your axe!" Aragorn realizes the problem. He motions for the dwarf to put his axe down, but when Gimli hesitates I lose some of my patience.

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