Losing a Friend

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Heya! I know. Big shocker, Back again.... so Thanks for your patience for the last chapter once again, hopefully this makes up for it! I really apologize for the sudden stop, I've just had some stress from school and I haven't had a whole bunch of time or inspiration for any of my books. It's been really really hard to write lately and it's made me really sad.

Your quote of the day! "'Don't cops run red lights?' 'Yeah some do but... not your dad.'" What movie and who said it? Now- Onward to the story!!

We walk slowly, but steadily over the rolling hills. I walk next to Aragorn, and we talk to Eowyn. My heart aches for her, as she clearly has feelings for Aragorn but I know they will not be reciprocated.

"Where is she? The woman who gave you that jewel?" The golden haired princess asks. My eyebrows crease, knowing this is not an easy subject to breach. Aragron walks silently in thought for a few moments, and I know he is remembering. He looks to me but I shake my head. He must answer this himself.

I see his eyes flash with a haunted look and I remember what he did before we left. The pain on both of their faces. The anger I withheld from bursting at Elrond. He knew they were meant to be, yet he discouraged the thought. Something I could never imagine doing for one of my Frost Walkers.

When they find their soulmate, that is it. You cannot forget the love that haunts you. If you do not give in, the what ifs and the why nots shall consume you. And you will die without a heart.

"She is sailing to the Undying lands with all that is left of her kin." He answers and I clench my fists.

"She should not. Elrond knew better. Love is not kept to one race, it should not be kept to one's race. If I had a say, I would ask her to stay, plead with Elrond to let her stay. To deny one's soulmate, is sure for heartbreak." I spoke angrily, realizing it also applied to myself. I glance up and see Legolas looking at us in curiosity. We meet eyes and I look down, guilt weighing heavily on my heart.

I swallow and look back up at the both. Focusing on Eowyn I say;

"You will know when you find yours." Indirectly telling her, he is not the one for her. He is taken. She looks down, her face becoming stony and walks slightly faster than us. Aragorn looks at me as riders gallop past, scouts.

"That was not kind." He whispers so the fair lady would not hear. I look at him and shake my head.

"False hope, and heartbreak is not kind. I did her a favor. You are not hers, whether you like it or not you are bound to Arwen. No love will be the same. She will find hers, I feel it. And he is a man of Gondor." He seems upset, but satisfied with this and we walk quietly for the next few minutes. Until...

"Wargs!" I hear a scream and Legolas jumps down from the rock he was on, out of sight. I yell for him and sprint towards the place where I last saw him, turning only to whistle for my dragon.

I jump of the cliff and land with a roll, drawing my blades and sprinting to the elf. He slices the orc's next and looks up with disgust, past me and to the ranger who had also followed.

"A scout!" He shouts and I adjust my grip, knowing a fight is coming. Aragorn sprints back down the hill and meets with Théoden, telling him of the Wargs' coming. I turn to Legolas and yank his arm, looking him over.

"Do not do that again." Is all I'm able to say before a snarling alerts me and I look up. I run with him to another hill top and see a whole pack coming. I pale and look at the elf. The people. I hear horses charging and look behind to see riders coming to meet the pack. I then hear a roar and smile. My dragon.

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