Explanation and Q&As (1)

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  I love this song, she goes from helpless and hurt to doing something awesome.

OK first up the dragon/rider relationship.

   As I said before the dragons and their riders are immortal. When a Frost Walker passes all her exams (Yes her I'll get to that later) at the age of what should be 10 she gets to go to the nursery where dragons are hatched, trained, and chosen. The dragon and the rider are bound for life and will only work with each other unless special circumstances come up. 

   The dragons can change shape from tiny to giant, their breath varies from dragon to dragon but the most common are:

Fire; most dragons are equipped with this.

Molten Earth; It is pretty much lava.

Boiling Water; Pretty cool, this water is superheated and supercharged with heat.

Ice; Ice shards, and snow makeup this breath. It can make glaciers, bury things in snow drifts, and impale them with large or small ice spikes.

Wind; Powerful winds blown from the giant lungs of dragons. They can cause tornadoes and other weather disasters, the winds can also uproot trees, destroy towns, and even blow beings away.

   The least common are:

Light; The dragons that have this breath can shoot bolts of pure light energy from their mouths, these bolts can blind, incinerate, and illuminate beings, objects, and places. This is the 3rd most rare.

Dark; These dragons usually have the coldest disposition and so do their owners. The bolts are similar to the Light breath except black. The bolts can also blind, incinerate, and mind control people for up to 2 hours. When they are mind controlled they listen to the dragon rider. This is the 2nd most rare.

Life; Life breath is exactly how it sounds. It can give life back to the dead and heal things but the dragons who have this gift often refuse to use it if one is dead. They have a extra breath since theirs is mostly defensive and healing. This breath is just standard fire.

There are MANY MANY more breaths I just gave you the most common and least common. Rune, Galelie's dragon has all of them since she is the queen's dragon.(Though she does not use all of them because it takes her energy down drastically.) Wylana's dragon breathes Molten earth and Fiala's breathes poison.

Frost Walker Relationships.

   The Frost Walkers are much like the elves, they have soulmates. Most of their soulmates are in the Frost Walker species but some have them in the other species of Middle Earth. They are bound together in a binding ceremony done by a witch, this means when one dies the other will die.

Frost Walker genetics.

   The Frost Walkers DO have powers but many prefer to not use them in case of giving themselves away. The most common powers are, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, control over snow and ice, hydro kinesis, telepathy, and force fields. The rarest are, nature (Control over plants, animals and beings), light, weather, and love.Wylana has ice and snow powers while Fiala has nature powers. Galelie has all powers because again, she is the embodiment of the Frost Walkers. (Though like her dragon she does not use all of them for fear of being drastically drained.)

   All Frost Walkers are born with a higher intellect (They soak up information very easily) and are slightly stronger than other species. They also age at one month=1 year until they're 6. When they're six they go back to normal growth.

Frost Walker Society/ Jobs

   I based their society off the Amazons,(Because the Amazons are awesome) the men have barely any rights and they woman usually do everything. They are very controlling and love to have everything in one place. Hence their ginormous libraries filled with thousands of books on every subject in every language.

   The jobs are usually based on your skill level or your powers. It is not LIMITED to that but they recommend it. For instance, a nature or a animal power would be better with animal care or dragon care than say, a love Frost Walker. Or a love or enchantress would be better at binding then a fire Frost Walker.

   Any Frost Walker can become part of the army and are encouraged to at least do the training for 1 year to learn basic self defense. By basic I mean learning to use a bow, knives, sword, and sometimes spear. Along with some no weapons combat.


As I said before all Frost Walkers go to school until they pass their exams at 10. They start going to school when they're 2 and end at usually 16-17. After passing the grade school exams they take two years of dragon training, two years of history, science, math, and reading. (They may take more if wanted after their graduation). Then they must take either advanced spells and magic which is only one year, or normal spells and magic, two years, ending them up at 16-17. 

   After that they are allowed to study everything and anything, they are also allowed to get a job.

If you guys have any questions or want something explained private message me and I'll make another Q & A. I'm sorry for the slow updates, I hope you can forgive me. Stay crazy my little hobbits!!

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