Of Thoughts and Thinking

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HEY GUYS!! Aight. I wanna talk first but I'll give you your quote so you can read this chapter. I'll talk after the chapter is over. Also, I know. I've got absolutely no excuse why I didn't post the chapter, besides some REALLY BAD writer's block. Like grade A "this sucks" bad. *stands ready* throw whatever you want at me. (What would you throw at me? Comment!)

   Quote of the day, who said it and what movie?;; "I am surrounded by idiots." Enjoy!!!

   Often I wonder how much of a plan we think through. It seems as though this entire quest was one big fat plan that was VERY poorly planned. Here, let's recap and no- I'm not stalling.

   So Wylana and I get this letter from Elrond telling us to come to a council about the one ring. We come. I save a hobbit, join a bunch of men to destroy the piece of jewelry. We try to get past a mountain, it doesn't exactly agree with us. We go through mines and Gandalf dies but not really. Then we go to Lothlorien and I start having love problems. THEN Boromir dies, Merry and Pippin are taken, Frodo and Sam go gallivanting off into the sunset alone, and we decide to follow some dusty ranger who is descended from a king as he listens to rocks for directions.

   Of course then I screw up a chance to tell Legolas I have feelings for him, we meet an angry Lord of the Mark, Gimli almost gets his head cut off and we ride towards burning dead bodies. In the dead bodies we find a lead and go into some creepy old forest that is haunted by creepy things. Then we find out the hobbits have been abducted by some tree spirit. Of course THEN we find out oh yeah! Gandalf isn't ACTUALLY dead.

   We ride to Edoras, cure a king, try and kill a worm, fail. Then, Gandalf and Nyala leave us to handle the newly angered king by ourselves to ride off and try to find the angry Lord of the mark. Now we are at present. Nice recap huh.

   This is what I do in my spare time. I have lots as we trudge over the hills on our way to the "Safe Haven", Helm's Deep. I sigh to myself and slum my shoulders, rubbing my eyes tiredly and shaking my head at the dragon next to me.

   "We should have stayed in Forodwaith huh Rune." I mumble, reaching over and scratching the top of her head. She does a dragon purr and then licks my hand, bounding away to go play with children. I smile after her with a fondness, this reminding me of better times.....


   "What? Why are looking at me like that? STOP!" Grace laughs as I raise my eyebrows. Her face is bright red as she glances from me to the Frost Walker man playing with her brothers. Her brothers were very young, much younger than her.

   "I'm not looking at anything. I'm simply observing....... You like him don't you?" I state confidently. Her face turns pink again and she coughs awkwardly, smiling as he grins over at her from his place between the two boys.

   "Okay.... so I do. It won't lead to anything, at least I don't think." She tells me and takes a sip of water.

   "How long have you know him?" I question, interested. She grins shyly and rakes her eyes over the table before meeting mie again.

   "About 20 years. We grew up together."


   Grace is married to him now. Morro, I believe his name is. When I left they had two children; a girl, Tiso and a boy; Marro. She was also expecting another. I was jolted from my thoughts by a hand in front of my face. I follow the hand to the face and smile a little when I recognize the face of Legolas.

   "What do I owe the pleasure, Master Elf." I inquire playfully, stopping and staring up at him. He smiles and motion for my hand again. I sigh, giving it to him, and he pulls me up in front of him on the horse.

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