Mountains and Snow? I'm Right At Home.

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Quote of the day! "Hello, I am Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die." Can anyone tell me what movie this is from? Answer at the end of the chapter! Also, Thank you guys for more than 100 reads!!

Rune snorted in my ear as I rested against the tan rocks. My back against a particularly tall one and my hood thrown back. We watched Pippin and Merry learn how to sword fight while we took a break.

"Move your feet." Aragorn called out and I smiled lightly. If I didn't have the shadow from the ring on my heart I would think we were just a bunch of people having a good time together, but the darkness was becoming harder to ignore. It seeped me of strength every time I got near Frodo, causing me to go to the three people emitting the most light. Gandalf, Aragorn, and Legolas.

I knew I could fix it easily if I simply went away for a time, but I was hesitant to leave the company. Most of them have gained my respect, and I have taking a liking to most of them. If I was to go I didn't know what would happen to them.

"My lady." Legolas jumped onto the rock I was leaning against and I raised an eyebrow.

"Hmm?" Rune purred, content as his hand scratched her neck. I craned my neck to look up at him and he smiled down. My heart leapt into my throat and I panicked, oh Eru no. Quickly, but not TOO quickly, looking down again I cleared my throat. My gaze returned to the hobbits, aware of the blue eyes staring into the back of my head.

"Well, don't just stand, or squat, or whatever you're doing. Sit!" I scolded playfully and motioned to my side. He jumped down and took his place beside me, looking up at the sky. We stayed in silence for awhile until Boromir decided to grace us with his not so graceful presence.

"What do I owe the pleasure." I asked sourly and glared up at him. We had this mutual resentment for one another that no matter how hard we tried, ok so we didn't try, to get rid of it wouldn't go away.

"There is no pleasure in talking to you woman. I just only wish to see if you are as good as you say you are?" He says mockingly and I roll my eyes.

"Very well. Let's go, right now." I stood up and Rune jumped off my shoulders onto Legolas's. Who looked quite surprised at her willingness to be away from me. I just smiled and slid my knives out of the scabbards.

The blades gleamed in the light, almost glowing a silvery-gold. For a moment everyone just stared, enraptured by the blades, then Boromir drew his own sword.

"They are pretty blades, but can they be used?" He asks and I smirk. Oh, they can be used all right. We simply circled each other before I stepped foreword and crossed my blades in front of my face. I then bow and come up smiling.

"May the best fighter win." He looked mildly confused for a moment and I used that to attack. I sliced one blade toward his shoulder and he fell for it. As he blocked my blade I twisted my other one and faked a strike at his stomach. He then blocked that one, except he realized that now, my blades were crossed with his in the middle. I smile, twist, and come back around with a kick, knocking his sword from his grip and pointing one knife into his stomach, the other behind his neck.

"Oh, the "pretty blades" can be used all right. I hope I won't have to use them to teach you a lesson though. Good match." I released him and slid the blades back onto my hips, sitting back down next to Legolas. Boromir went back to teaching the hobbits and I played with hem of my cloak.

"I am curious." Legolas started and I hummed in acknowledgement for him to continue.

"Forodwaith. Frost Walkers. I had very rarely heard those terms before now, and the times I did hear them was my father many years ago. How is it you.... live in the cold wasteland above us?" I pursed my lips and shrugged.

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