Midnight Talks and Water Fights

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      Alright, sorry about the long wait. But good news! School is out so expect many more updates for all my books, plus maybe a couple of new ones!! Once again thanks for all the support everyone. ❤️❤️ now for your quote of the day!

   "E-scape. Huh, spelled just like escape." What movie and who said it? Now for the chapter!

   I awoke to rustling in the clearing. I open my eyes and see Frodo starting to follow Galadriel. I sit up, careful not to disturb Rune whom was sleeping around my shoulders.

I debated whether to follow them or not and caught Galadriel's eye as she turn a corner. She winked and I smiled, deciding to leave them be. I instead stood and walked the opposite direction, to what I remembered was the wild forest part of Lothlorien.

   Wandering through the woods, my bare feet made their way over countless mossy stones, grassy hills, flower/clover fields, and small sticks and branches.

   The woods glowed, the different fireflies and other butterflies floating lazily. I reached out my hand and a blue and yellow one landed on my finger tip.

A rustle near me made me look over to find a fawn and it's mother bounding through a curtain of vines. I let the butterfly fly off my finger and walked toward the curtain, slipping through it I find it leads to a beautiful glade.

The doe raises her head and looks at me warily. Her fawn however raises its head and trots toward me happily. I kneel down and reach out my hand, the doe following her fawn who nuzzles against my hand. I smile as the doe sniffs my hair and I giggle when she breathes in my face.

Standing, I let the doe and her child lead me toward the edge of the little pond of water in the center of the glade. There was a water fall in the corner that bubbled happily and countless Lily pads, water lilies, and fish in the pond. I collapse, sitting sideways next to the bank of the pond, staring down in the water.

The doe and fawn sit on either side of me, the doe allowing my arm to rest on her back all the way up until her head. She puts her head down and closes her eyes like her fawn, who had curled up nearly in my lap.

   I let my mind wander and it goes to what Legolas told Killian. Of course I was listening, and it made my heart jump just to think that perhaps it would work out. Just because there's a prophecy doesn't mean it would work.

   I sigh bitterly and close my eyes, the silence faded into a quiet melody as I began to sing.

"When all has gone, and memory fade. I will be here all, the same. Through all that has been, and all that will be. Through the dark, I'll stand with thee. And when your heart is fair, and gold. I shall leave you, with treasures untold.

"Dark is the night, you curl around me. Warm is the bed, you seem to leave. Darkness follows, like the wind. Hope seems very, very, thin. But when all has gone and memory fade. I will be here, all the same. Through all that has been, and all that will be. Through the dark, I'll stand with thee.

"Light is the world, when you open your eyes. Beauty in colors, in disguise. When you need me no, more. That, is the reason, I leave, you for. But remember the taste, of my lips, my love. And all that is bright, will be back soon enough." I sing softly, stroking the doe.

"Don't worry, about me, you leave on your way. For I know, that you'd, have to leave one day." Another voice begins to sing and my eyes widen and we continue together.

"As long as we, have memories. We will never, be the same. But as long, as we, have memories. We will, never be the same...." We trail off and I turn.

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