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   I'm using French for their language because I think it's appropriate. So when they're speaking in French it will be in italics. When the words actually are TYPED in French I will put a translation. But be reminded that I will refer to in not as French but as Shard, for that is the name of their language.

"There it is." I whispered to myself at we glided into the valley. Lord Elrond's domain was as beautiful as I remember it to be. I guided Rune towards the courtyard, where Wylana followed me on Fenitil. 

   The elves looked up in amazement as we swooped and landed in the middle. I jumped off Rune and she morphed into a small version, so she could wrap herself around my neck. Fenitil morphed into a wolf size and stood by Wylana's side protectively.

   Elrond and his daughter, Arwen, came down the steps to welcome us. I nodded to them curtly and said," You said it was an urgent matter, so we came as soon as we could. Which happened to be that moment." Wylana quirked her lips, amused by Arwen's confused face. Elrond took a second to translate in his head then spoke back in the common speech. "It is good to see you again Galelie, I didn't know if you were going to come but I made rooms ready for you and Lady....?"

   "Wylana." Wylana replied her voice having a slight Shard accent. "Lady Wylana." He finished and motioned for Arwen to show us our rooms. She smiled and turned around, making her way through the hallways she stops at a light oak door.

   "Wylana I believe? This is your room. The dining hall is just a hallway down, you should find a bath ready for you." Wylana looked uncomfortable being away from me. "Wylana, nous sommes en sécurité ici (We are safe here)." She relaxed and slipped into her room quietly. Arwen looked at me curiously and we turned down more hallways.

   She seemed to rush out her words in embarrassment when she spoke. "I'm sorry but ada has told me much about your kind and I was wondering if you could teach me the language?" Her voice faded at the end as if she thought it was stupid. I smiled kindly and turned toward her.

   "Why would you want to learn our language? There are so many other languages to learn, that are much easier and common to learn. The only ones besides ourselves who know the language in Middle Earth are Lord Elrond, and he can't speak or write it only translate, Mithrandir who can speak, write and translate, and the Lady Galadriel who can speak and translate but not write."

   " you have someone who will teach me? I want to learn how to read it, write it, speak it, and translate it. Unless that's too much to ask..?" She looked at me hopefully and I racked my brain.

   "Actually, I might have a scholar come and teach you, they can be here by tomorrow morning." I offered and her eyes lit up. "Oh yes, please that would be wonderful!!" I grinned and felt my motherly/playful side coming out. Rune jumped off of my shoulder and crawled onto Arwen's.

   I was shocked and it must have shown in my face. "She doesn't usually trust people that easily. Your very special Arwen Evening Star." We arrived at my room and she bowed. I nodded in thanks and slipped inside the door, Rune at my heels. As I got undressed and slid into the bath I grabbed a piece of parchment and write a letter to the scholar I was thinking of.

   "Rune, take this to her. Make sure it gets there by tonight." Rune nodded and wrapped her tail around the rolled up letter, taking off into the sky she was soon gone. I sighed and started washing my hair and body, I was done in a flash and quickly dried myself.

   I slipped on a elven nightgown and shifted, slightly uncomfortable in the ruff clothing. We made our clothes out of fur, dragon scales, shaves of magic ice we grew(yes grew) and pure magic. So our clothes are obviously better than these. But elven clothes are the closest to ours so it will do.

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