Camping Out

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"Rune, Allez,éclaireur.Jeneveuxpasde...surprises." (Rune. Go and scout ahead. I do not want any... surprises .) I order her and she nods, bounding off my shoulders and to the woods.

"What is it you spoke to her in?" Frodo questions, gaining the interest of the others in the company.

"Shard. It is our language." I reply simply and draw my hood over my head more. We were about two days into our journey and I was already tired of all the men. I had a right mind to call Rune and go home, but I couldn't do that to Frodo or Gandalf.

Gazing around my eyes landed on Legolas. My fingers flexed in nervousness as I recalled what Melkia told me after waking up.


"My lady?" Melkia groaned and sat up, her skin unnaturally pale.

"Rest Melkia, you were poisoned." I answered and laid a hand on her shoulder, easing her back into the mattress.

"No, no. Aurora. She has had a prophecy." She stuttered out and I froze. Aurora was an oracle, gifted with the power of prophecy and foresight instead of other powers. She was one of the most powerful even though she was only 198. I sat down on the edge of the bed and gestured for her to go on.

"In my bag." Was her reply as she closed her eyes and fell back asleep. I reached into the fur bag and pulled out a yellowing scroll. Obviously found somewhere deep in the Oracle's castle. I opened it and scanned through the faded gold lettering. It was from Aurora's great, great, grandmother Austeria.

I gasped and the scroll fluttered into my lap.


The scroll sits in my bag, the words repeating in my head.

Ten on a quest through pain and sorrow, Nine shall make it to the Golden Wood, Separated the fellowship survives.

Queen of Ice and Prince of Woods, hearts meet closely as one, to be drawn into battle before the rising sun.

As a new king is crowned one must choose, the immortals time has past to make way for new.

Ice and Wood, Blue and Green. Leaf and Snow, Cold and Warm. One will melt, one will freeze and life is born from a Shard and Tree.

I knew exactly what most of it meant. I do not understand what the last two lines of the first paragraph, the last line of the second paragraph, or the entire third paragraph meant. I was so deep in my thought I did not notice us stopping.

"Galelie?" Aragorn laid a hand on my shoulder and I shook my head. Looking around I realized everyone was unpacking.

"Thank you." I murmured and set down my bag. Taking down my hood, my white hair flowed gently in the breeze. I hummed a song softly to myself as I set up not realizing everyone had stopped to listen.

"What song is that lassie? I have never heard such a tune." Gimli breaks the silence and I stand up, shocked.

"It is a Frost Walker song. Why do you ask master dwarf?" I finish setting up and sit on a low hanging branch.

"Well, it's getting late and I want some entertainment. Why not sing it for us lass?" He sits down next to the fire. I raise an eyebrow and look at the others. Snapping my fingers the unlit twigs burst into flame.

"I don't know. Does anyone have anything better to suggest?" I ask carefully and draw my hood over my head again.

"No my dear Galelie." Gandalf says quickly before Boromir could protest. I sigh and encroach on myself.

Frost Walkers Legolas FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now