Seperating Stories and Endings of Tales

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  Hello my crazy hobbits!! Today's quote is—
   "FOOLS! IDIOTS! IMBECILES!" Who said it and what movie is it from? My Disney fans will get this one. Hope you enjoy this chapter. The final chapter in the first movie!! Get ready for the feels.

   We continued down the river, each of us in our own little conversations or thoughts. I was leaning against Legolas again, his arms around my waist and hands connected with mine on my stomach. Absentmindedly either he or I would trace circles of patterns on the others hands, currently he was tracing circles on the backs of mine.

   I watched his fingers, deep in thought. Not just about the quest, but about our relationship. It obviously changed from just friends. I don't know what I want, I don't know what he wanted, but I had a feeling we both wanted just a little more.

   I raised my eyes and turn my head, meeting Aragorn's eyes. He raised a suggestive eyebrow at our position and I just shook my head, exasperated, and turned away. Rune was passed out at my feet, the water fight tiring her out.

   I get tired of straining my neck and lay my head back, now my entire upper body was leaning against his. I felt his tense slightly and the circles stop. I also tense, afraid I had gone too far but then he relaxes again, resuming his circles and even going as far as to rest his chin on top of my head.

   I hum in content as he slowly draws our arms closer to together around me, so now I was nearly in a hug. 

   The water reacts to my happiness and speeds us slightly faster down the river. I tense up and whip my head to the side as I sense a darkness surfacing near us, in the woods.

   Legolas tightens his arms around me, lifting his head. I knew he had sensed it too. Cawing of birds disturbed had me nearly sitting up, as the rest of the fellowship looked around.

   Legolas stopped me and I laid back down hesitantly, his chin going on top of my head and his fingers running soothing patterns on my hands.

Despite the soothing presence I still felt the dark cloud following us, and it put me on edge.

   Soon, we entered an area where cliffs trapped us between them. The presence faded till it was only a wisp and I nearly forgot about it when I saw what came next.

We come around a bend and I gasp in awe at the giant statues framing the way to the water fall. Sitting up slightly my jaw drops.

   "Frodo. The Argonath. Long have I desired to look upon the king's of old. My kin." I hear Aragorn explain to Frodo.

   "It's amazing." I whisper breathlessly. How did men carve this out of the mountains? Without dragons or magic. The race of men holds so many surprises.

   "Like you." I hear Legolas mumble and I turn around, pink blooming in my cheeks. My hair whips in my face and I growl, blowing it away. The elf chuckles and unlaced one of his hands to push the offending strands away behind my ear.

   His hands trails from my cheeks to behind my neck and I see the tips of his ears and cheeks dust a rose pink. I smile and lean forward, pressing my lips to his cheek.

   "Thank you for the compliment Greenleaf." I whisper and turn around before my face could explode. Our separated hands found each other again and I sink back into his chest as our boats go through the statues in a bigger lake area.

   "You're very welcome, Galelie." He whispered back and a smile broke onto my face, coupled with a blush that went all over my cheeks and nose.

  The water turned the boats toward a wooded area before the water fall, and soon we were sliding up the bank and unloading our stuff.

   Gimli got out first and I reluctantly unwound my hands and arms from Legolas, stepping out next. Rune stirred and sleepily jumped out of the boat, shaking her head and splashing in the water to wake up. The elf stood up and stepped out behind me, brushing past to help Aragorn.

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