The Magical Cure

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   Heeeeey what's up my favorite readers? Yes! I am sticking to the schedule- gasp- I know right? Well, I'm very excited to post these next chapters!! Your quote today...

  "It's like I'm talking to a monkey. A big, stupid, monkey NAMED KRONK!" Who said it and what movie is it from? (It's one of my favorites too, hilarious!) Anyways, enjoy the chapter guys!

   "No! I don't understand how one can NOT love frosting Aragorn!" This was the discussion we were having after five hours of no rest travel. Even I'll admit, it started with a simple question of what food you disliked most then it turned into a full out discussion.

   Apparently; Gandalf disliked broccoli, Legolas hated chicken, Gimli hated carrots (truthfully no surpise there) and Aragorn dislikes onions! Then we started talking about desserts and that is it how we got here. Aragorn. Hates. Frosting!

   "I do not understand how you can eat it! It's strange, too sweet and tastes like something should have thrown it up!" Said ranger exclaims, throwing his hands out and shrugging.

   "Aragorn! It's Frost-ing. HOW have you gotton this far in life and not loved it?! And it does NOT taste like throw up!" I shout back incredulously. Rune snorts in amusement and tosses her head.

   "Oh shut up!" I stick my tongue out at her and she just gives me a dragon smile. Dragons.

   "Aragorn, think of it this way. All it is, is sweeter, more solid, butter. That's all you have to do, assuming you like butter of course." Gimli states gruffly and I nod my head.

   "Yes, yes, THANK YOU GIMLI! See?" I wave my arms around wildly, making me and everyone else laugh. It was silent for a while until I grinned mischievously.

   "Hey Gandalf..... are we there yet?" I called up to him and heard him groan.

   "So help me Galelie. I do not care if you are older than me I will hit you with this staff upside your head." He shouts and I giggle, nodding my head.

   "Sir yes sir!" I shout, making my companions chuckle again, and turning over to lay on my back as Rune runs having complete trust she won't let me fall. 



   "My home lies deep in the forest near the roots of the mountain." TreeBeard tells the two hobbits in his calming slow way. Tree beard was an Ent, or as Galelie called him; a tree spirit. He was a tree, a tree with humanoid legs and arms and a body and head. He was very tall, and his eyes were set in his face- a warm brown/ orange color. And he had a great moss beard that hung and stuck to his chest, swaying as he walked.

   "I told Gandalf I would keep you safe. And safe is where I'll keep you." The two hobbits sat on his shouder, Merry above Pippin, listening to their friend that had saved the from the orc the night before. The grip onto his bark, fearing they would fall from this height.

   "The trees have grown wild and dangerous. Anger festers in their hearts. They will harm you if they can. There are too few of us now. Too few of us Ents to manage them." He explains to the hobbits as he walks slowly through the wild roots and trees, towards his home.



   Sam, Frodo, and Gollum climb the cliff. After trudging through the marshes and nearly getting caught by a wraith they had come across great moutains, they had to climb. This was the last one and as they made it to the top, they saw it. The Black Gates.

   "The Black Gate of Mordor. Oh save us." Gollum rasps as they crouch along the top of the cliff. Sam observes the gates along with Frodo, seeing as how they'll need to get in.

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