The Hobbits

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   "No, Arwen it is pronounced Bon-jour  not Bon-ture." I heard giggling in the library where Arwen was learning Shard. Her studies have been coming along nicely, she is almost halfway through her reading and writing beginning course and is just starting the speaking and translating beginning course. 

   I made my way past the library toward Elrond's study. I was going to ask him if Gandalf had shown up yet. The hobbits and Aragorn had shown up about three days ago, I helped heal Frodo from his wound in the shoulder in fact. Frodo still hasn't awaken and I haven't seen Aragorn or the other hobbits.

   "Pippin why don't we ask her." "Let's not bother the Ms. I'm sure we can find our way." "That's what you said TWO HOURS ago Sam, let's just ask her." I heard three voices coming from my left and I turned with an eyebrow raised, my calf-length tan dress swirling around me.

   "May I help you?" My voice was smooth as I looked down at them. Once I realized they were the hobbits I relaxed and put my queen guard down. "Um actually see we um-" One began but was pushed out of the way by a different one who looked quiet annoyed. 

   "Oh shut it Sam. Anyway, we need help getting to the um, infirmary? Yes the infirmary. See we have a friend who was brought in because of-" This one was pushed out of the way by the third who looked VERY annoyed. 

   "Shut your big mouth Pippin. In all cases yes, we needed to be there two hours ago but as you can see we, got lost." I raised my eyebrow at their sheepish faces and an amused grin ghosted across my lips. 

   "Of course, I'll go with you in fact. My meeting with Elrond can wait.  Follow me young ones." They shuffled along silently behind me except for the occasional whisper. I felt a tap on my arm and looked down to find them all staring at me couriously.

   "May I help you...?" I asked again slightly confused. "I'm Pippin." The one who tapped me on the arm very nearly shouted and smiled. "I'm Merry." The second one, Merry, pushed past Pippin who glared. "I'm Samwise Gamgee Ms. I apologize for them, they're troublemakers in the Shire always playing pranks and those sort of things." He wrinkled his nose and put out his hand for me to shake.

   I smiled and shook it firmly, still walking at a steady pace I replied, "I'm Galelie." The hobbits stopped short and stared at me in amazement. "Y- you're the Frost Walker queen. Aragorn told us about you." Sam spoke for all of them and I smiled. 

   "You also helped heal Frodo." Pippin added on followed by Merry. "Can we see your powers a-and your dragon?!" He asked excitedly. "I um alright." I wasn't sure what to do with the positive attention, I definitely wasn't used to it.

   We walked up to the doors and I pushed them open to hear a familiar voice. "Frodo" "Mithrandir!" Sam and I shouted at the same time. Him running to Frodo whereas I embraced Gandalf.  

   "Ah my dear Gale, how are you and where is Rune?" Gandalf asked cheerily and I whistled for Rune. She came bounding through the window and onto his shoulder, happily nuzzling him. "I have been fine but how are you?" We conversed for a little while and I realized how much I missed him.

   "I-Is that a dragon?" I whipped my head towards Frodo who looked almost scared. Rune crawled down on my arm and jumped on the bed, she was about as big as a puppy so she wouldn't scare them too much. She then crawled all the way up to Frodo, climbed onto  his chest,  and plopped down with  a huff. Her look said it all, 'I like him. I'm staying here. Don't move me or suffer the consequences.'

   I rolled my eyes. "Such a diva." She narrowed her eyes and huffed again. Turning back to Frodo she licked him on the nose. He raised a hand and shakily ran it over her scales, getting more confident each time. One by one all the hobbits started petting her and I could tell she loved the attention.

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