Bridge of Doom

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Quote of the day; "A miracle. I've silenced the princess!" What movie is this from? Who said it? Answer at the end of the chapter! Test your knowledge to see if you know! Also, enjoy.

   Boromir sticks his head out and pulls back in just as arrows stick in the wood. He shuts the doors quickly then turns around.

   "They have a cave troll." He says sarcastically and I smile.

   "Oh wow, this'll be fun." I say, also sarcastically. We bar the doors and I draw an arrow, letting it fly through a hole in the wall it hits an orc causing it to shriek and fall away. Hopefully dead.

"Let them come. There is one dwarf in Moria that still draws breath!" Gimli shouts and climbs onto the tomb, drawing is axe.

"Good to see someone is excited about the fight ahead." I yell and roll my eyes, shooting another two arrows. We all prepare, then the doors break and the orcs come flooding in.

"CherSeigneur,pasdebonnechance." (Dear lord, no good luck.) I cursed and let loose a final arrow before taking out my blades, spinning them. I leap into battle, dodging weaving and slashing at orcs. I sprint up and push off the wall, landing on top of two orcs behind Pippin.

"Careful!" I shout and slash at another. We all hear a tremendous roar and I finish stabbing an orc before looking over my shoulder. The cave troll entered the room, a broken chain around its neck, and started bashing around. I sighed and sprinted around a column, narrowly avoiding a couple swords.

Legolas shoots an arrow and hits it in the chest. It roars again and lunges toward Sam, who dives under its legs.

"You know-!" I huff and land next to Legolas, stabbing an orc. He kicks one to the left and I kick it back into his knife.

"I think you only made it more angry." I slice off another's head and raise my eyebrow at the elf. He shakes his head in exasperation and continues to fight alongside me.

I turn to the yelling and see Aragorn and Boromir tugging o the chain, keeping the monster from stepping on poor Sam. It succeeds until the troll whips around and slams Boromir into the wall. I growl and mutter some very colorful Shard words under my breath. Legolas laughs slightly, not understanding my words but clearly understanding my tone. I roll my eyes at him and jump away, slicing more orcs as I went.

Gimli chucks an axe and hits the troll in the shoulder, knocking it back slightly but still not deterring it from its motives. Which were clear when it started going towards Frodo.

"Frodo!" I shout and whip my head around wildly, looking for something I could launch myself off of. What I didn't notice was the very specifically dressed orc in the edge of the room, pointing a very specifically made bow with a very specific arrow right at me. What I also didn't notice was when that orc let go of the bow and the arrow found its way into my stomach. And oh Eru, had I wish I had noticed that very. Specific. Orc.

I doubled over from the impact of the arrow and gasped in pain. It throbbed, taking away all feeling starting in my legs, my eyes watered.

"Oh no." I gasped and managed to keep away the blackness spreading into my vision, ignoring the pain I sprinted through the orcs and managed to get to Frodo's side, but I was too late. The troll had managed to stab him in the gut with a pole.

"NO! FRODO!" I screamed and thrust out my hands, blowing the troll backwards in a wild burst of power I collapse next to the hobbit and check his pulse. Aragorn comes over next to me as the others finish the battle. I breath out in relief and turn to the approaching fellowship.

"He's ALIVE! Frodo is alive!" I shout out as Aragorn turns him over and he starts groaning. The fellowship breathes in relief and I stumble to my feet. Glancing momentarily at the arrow I decide to ignore it for now, as it won't hinder me yet.

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