Sickness and Golden Woods

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Well, guess who's back from the dead? Yeah sorry about that, SBAC testing is a b- anyway!

"..And here, here is where it got hit by a magical, flying, MORON!" Who said it and what movie is it from? Thanks for all these reads guys!! Hope you enjoy the chapter. ---ElvenJediDemigod202 OUT!

3rd Person POV

After Galelie had collapsed and slipped into unconsciousness the company began moving. Legolas offered to carry her and no one had the strength to argue with the elf.

They ran across the fields, constantly glancing behind them, either at the mountain or the half-dead queen in their companions arms. Galelie was constantly choking and coughing up black blood from her lungs and stomach, her skin and clothes drenched in sweat. Sometimes her skin would be burning other times ice to the touch. Legolas tried to take his mind off the suffering she was going through and instead thought about where they were going, Lothlorien.

The company was silent as they trekked closer to the yellow woods, now clearly visible against the green and brown of the land. The quiet was interrupted by a pained scream. Everyone whipped their heads around to see Legolas kneeled down over Galelie, unsure what to do. She screamed again but was cut off by blood coming out of her mouth.

"Legolas! What happened?" Aragorn kneeled down, panicking. The elf looked up at the ranger, his eyes filled with fear.

"I am not sure. I was carrying her and suddenly she twisted, screaming in pain. I-" He was cut off by another shrill scream from the writhing woman on the ground.

"NO! Please! Anyone but them, take me, ME! That's who you want, STOP IT! NO! PLEASE!" He agonizing screams cut the silence like a sharp knife. Suddenly she falls limp and silent again, except for the occasional twitch and whimper.

Legolas slowly gathers her up in his arms, holding her like he would a fragile glass piece. She whimpers pitifully and twisted slightly in his grip. Her looks down at her sadly, hating her suffer so much.

"Poor Lass. I wouldn't wish that upon anyone." Gimli voiced his thoughts and everyone looked at the woman in pity, each wishing they could take away the suffering she was going through.

"Come. We must keep moving. Legolas." Aragorn's voice was filled with grief but he roused them once again into moving. They covered ground quicker than before, Galelie's worsening condition motivating them to get somewhere safe.

Aragorn had assured them to the best he could the elves would be able to help Galelie but Legolas had a hard time believing him. Her last words echoed in his head over and over again, bringing his spirits and emotions lower and lower every time it started over again. 'Stop. You cannot fix it. The arrow, it's c-coated in Bl-Black Flower. I am going to die.' She had sounded so definite, like there was nothing anyone could do.

This was heavy on Aragorn's mind as well, along with the guilt that he hadn't noticed her stumbling or in pain earlier. The Ranger had never seen such poison, so he had no idea where to even begin to try and cure it. His only hope was the Galadriel would have some answers.

They made it and crossed into the Golden Trees, immediately feeling calmer and safer. Galelie even coughed and whimpered less in the elven enchantment. The company gathered around each other, no longer needing to spread out.

"Stay close young hobbits. They say there's a great sorceress lives in these woods. An Elf-witch of terrible. All who look upon her, fall under her spell...." Gimli starts to say but Frodo isn't listening.

"FRODO. FRODO!" He hears Galadriel in his head and whips his head around confused.

".....and are never see again." The dwarf finishes. Galelie groans, Galadriel trying to get into her mind putting more pressure on the poison. Legolas shifts her in his grip and holds her closer to him, whether conscious or unconscious he doesn't know.

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