The Fellowship

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"Aragorn is right, we cannot use it." Gandalf looked at me and I glared at him, still miffed by Boromir.

"You have only one choice the ring must be destroyed." Elrond also looks directly at me and I shake my head with a glare, I am not volunteering. The ring would burn and scar me more than they know.

"What are we waiting for? ARGH!!" Gimli lunges forward with his axe and I see what he was doing. He brings his axe down on the ring but instead of destroying the ring, it destroys his axe. I shake my head and purse my lips. Is this what I have to deal with? Eru help me.

I notice Frodo wince in pain and I look in concern. The hobbit is the most likely to take the ring, he is resilient to it's affects and would get farther. They would want me to do it, being I am a Frost Walker, but no. I would never be able to take it far enough away from here let alone to Mordor, it would slowly kill me before I even got a quarter of the way there. But... they do not understand that.

"The ring cannot be destroyed, Gimli son of Gloin, by any craft we here possess... perhaps..?" He turned to me again and I scowl.

"No." I hiss venomously and he turns back around quickly to continue.

"The ring must be taken back to Mordor and cast into the fiery chasm from whence it came. One of you must do this." He looks at me again and I sigh loudly.

"No. Okay? That's my answer. It's not happening, I'd be dead before I got to the mountains. That..... thing. It will kill me, and even worse give my power to Sauron who already wants me as his wife. Not a good thing, you are all lucky I'm not going home right now." I finish angrily and glare at Elrond.

"One does not simply walk into Mordor." Boromir interrupts the silence and I lean back in my chair.

"Here we go." Wylana mutters and I purse my lips.

"It's black gates are guarded by more than just orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep     and the great eye is ever watchful. It's a barren wasteland, riddled     with fire and ash and dust.  The very air you breathe is a poisonous     fume.  Not with ten thousand men could you do this. It is folly." I roll my eyes.

"Rousing Speech captain. You're right, why don't we run to Mordor instead, I'm sure walking would take to long. And I'm sure everyone wanted to here how horrible Mordor is, really a good way to get volunteers truly." I dead pan to him and he glares again.

"Have you nothing Lord Elrond ahs said? The ring must be destroyed!" Legolas jumps up and I sigh, feeling an argument come along.

"And I suppose you think you're the one to do it." Gimli joins now and I lean on the armrest, my hand to my forehead, yet still watching.

"And if we fail what then? What happens when Sauron takes back what is his?" Boromir chimes in again, standing up. Gimli jumps to his feet and yells;

"I will be dead before I see the ring in the hands of an elf!" Suddenly everyone is at each others throats. Wylana just shakes her head in disappointment when even Gandalf joins after Gimli's; "Never trust an elf".

I close my eyes and rub my head when the ring starts muttering, it already giving me a headache. Suddenly over all the yelling I hear Frodo.

"I will take it! I will take it!" They continued without even noticing, making me angry. I stood and walked calmly to the center of the room, or the fight.

"ALL OF YOU JUST SHUT UP! I AM DISAPOINTED! LOOK WHAT YOU ARE DOING!! SO CAUGHT UP IN YOUR OWN PETTY ARGUMENTS THAT YOU CANNOT SEE THE BIGGER PICTURE!!! SHUT UP!" I scream, my voice becoming louder. I stamp my foot, a wave of power explodes from me silencing everyone in it's path. The whole room darkens slightly and they freeze in fear. I open my shut eyes and relax.

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