Mines of Moria

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Quote of the day; "You've got the emotional range of a teaspoon." Who said it and what movie is it from? Answer at the end!

"Frodo! Come and help an old man." Gandalf calls to him and catches my eye. I smirk knowingly and he turns back to Frodo with an eye roll.

   "You seem to have a good relationship with Gandalf my lady." Aragorn asks politely. I groan and hold up my hands. Turning around to face the fellowship I clear my throat.

   "As from now on you are not to call me and titles. Call me Galelie please. Thank you." I turn back to Aragorn to answer his unspoken question.

   "Yes. Gandalf and the other wizards were always quite kind to our kind. They did not see us as demons or witches, they saw us as beings like them only with more blessings. I have known Gandalf for many centuries. He is one of the only ones ever allowed into Forodwaith, besides the lady of light and some others." He nodded as we arrived.

I leaned against the rock, humming another tune. As we wait for Gandalf to figure out the riddle I stroke Rune, my thoughts straying from one subject to another. Usually coming back to two in particular; the mines and the aching in my chest. This place senses of death, this worries me greatly.

I notice Merry and Pippin throwing rocks into the water, before I could stop them Aragorn steps up. I turn back to my dragon and scratch her chin thoughtfully.

"What is going on here hmm? I wonder what has become of the dwarves inside this mine. I am deeply troubled by the sense of death." I whisper under my breath in Shard to her and she sighs in agreement, little lines of smoke coming from her nostrils.

I get up when Frodo solves the riddle and am one of the last in.

"This isn't a mine. It's a tomb." Boromir says and I gasp, my hands covering my mouth and tears springing to my eyes.

"No...." I mutter. Before I can act again I hear the hobbits yell. I sprint back out to see Frodo in the clutches of a kraken. I drawing my bow and start firing arrows as fast as possible. Occasionally I would shoot a burst of flame at the creature's mouth, distracting it long enough for others to lay hits. I shoot the tentacle holding Frodo and it drops him. Boromir catches him and I sigh in relief.

That relief is short lived when I felt something slide around my waist. I twist and scream in surprise as it lifts me up and tips me upside down.

"Someone HELP!" I scream and struggle, my arms and legs pinned my the tentacle. Aragorn makes his way over to me and slashes another tentacles about to latch onto me. Rune screeches and grows till about the size of the door. She blows a white hot flame at the monster's face and it screeches in pain. Dropping me straight into the frigid water. I gasp in surprise and accidently inhale some water.

Thankfully Aragorn hoists me up and I choke, trying to get air back into my lungs. We stumble into the mines and suddenly the tentacles come back, tearing down the door and plunging us into darkness. The only sound is my harsh coughing in the black. When I finally empty my lungs of lake water I reach for Rune. She coos and curls into my body, her body heating up enough to dry me off. Gandalf lightly up his staff and I stand, stumbling a bit but regaining my footing with Rune's help.

"Gandalf. What happened here." I say as sharp as I could, my throat still burning from the lake water. He doesn't answer and just looks at me sadly. Choosing instead to say;

"We now have but one choice, we must face the long dark of Moria.  Be on your guard, there are older and fouler things than orcs in the deep places of the world, Galelie. You know this all too well....." I shake my head.

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