Stella Stilinski

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Stella Stilinski
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Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Wolf. If I did I would be on it. Anyways all scripted lines go to the writers and producers of Teen Wolf. All I own is Stella Stilinski and the unscripted lines through out the story.

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The taxi stopped and I took a deep breath. "Thanks." I acknowledged as I paid the driver with the check my uncle had mailed over. Slowly I opened my door and walked to the trunk where I removed my two large suitcases, struggling to not drop them on my feet.

A large smile made its way to my face as I looked up at the house where my childhood holidays used to take place. It looked the same as the last time I'd seen it, maybe a few extra overgrown vines than before but I'm sure they've just been busy.

Once I had hauled my extremely large luggage to the front door I released my bags and knocked on the front door three times. It was around 4 am considering my plane was delayed three times and I lived six hours away over in Massachusetts. Luckily the door opened, even at this ungodly hour, and I was immediately pulled into a tight embrace by my uncle who had just opened his front door.

"I'm so happy you made it here safe." He greeted as he gave me a light squeeze before retracting from the hug.

"Stiles? Your cousin is here." He yelled up the stairs.

Not five seconds later a tall skinny boy with dark brown hair appeared at the top of the stairs. When he saw me we exchanged a huge grin before he bolted down the stairs and picked me up. I laughed as he released me from his grasp and laid me back down on the ground.

"You ready?" he asked me with a smirk. I nodded. It had been a while since Stiles and I engaged in our extremely complex, two and a half minute handshake we created as kids, but I knew it like the back of my hand. I could see my uncle through my peripherals watching us with amusement.

After exactly two and a half minutes we finished with an explosive fist bump as memorized.

"It always impresses me that no matter how long you two are away from each other you never forget that." Uncle Noah applauded as we laughed in accomplishment.

"I'm glad you're back Stell." Stiles smiled with a nudge.

"So Stella are you hungry?"

"It's four in the morning are you kidding me? I'm starving!" I answered happily as I relaxed my shoulders into a light slouch.

"When dad told me you were coming I thought it would only be hospitable to make your favorite." Stiles smiled

"No way." I gasped

"Right out of Mom's cookbook."

I bolted into the kitchen to see Aunt Claudia's specialty Mac and cheese sitting on the counter, steam still radiating from the freshly baked meal.

"Who knew Stiles could cook?" I yelled back to them sarcastically.

"I can't, but I can read." He chuckled back as he entered the kitchen along with his dad.

We each grabbed a plate and a fork and scooped out a generous helping before seating ourselves at the dinner table. "So how's Scotty boy?" I asked before shoveling a fork load of cheesy noodles into my mouth.

"oh- uh ya... he's good. We actually just got back from camping like an hour ago." He rambled as he took a bite of his early morning snack, should I say.

"That's cool where to?"

"Just a little south of here." He explained vaguely as he cut himself off with another fork full.

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