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L I A M ' S P O V


I sat on the cold bleacher's impatiently waiting for both Stella and Scott to show up at the lacrosse game. As in the one against Devenford. If my alpha and my anchor aren't here who knows what'll happen.

"Liam, you're gonna be fine. Okay? Just try not to rage out on anyone." Stiles laid a hand on my shoulder in an attempt to what I assume was comfort me, but I'm not really sure.

"You're not worried?" I questioned "Come on even your, on the break of insanity, cousin isn't here"

"Okay... I'm mildly concerned. Mildly."

"Really because that text you're sending to Scott says very very concerned." Stella butted in, scooting next to Stiles.

"Where were you?" I questioned staring at the brunette who was eyeing all of the Devenford guys.

"Why do I have to tell you? It's not like we're dating or anything."

"That one was harsh." Stiles whispered to me.

So..." she began as she scanned the field. "Who's that hottie?" she asked eyeing a familiar face.

"That's Brett... you know him..."

"Of course I do... I was just.... Uh trying to hurt your feelings. I have to go."

I have no idea what the hell that was but there is no way she could forget him. She freaking saved his life for god's sake.

I don't know who this is but it's definitely not Stella.



This chapter is reeeeeally short obviously but I'm trying to get to the end because I thought of the plot twist and everything and ya and ya... so

I think the rest of the story is gonna be in Liam's POV cause we only have so long til the end so unless I clarify that its not his POV it is.

Love you guys and please just hold out til the end XD

Comment/vote if you enjoyed this tiny chapter


Xoxo Cara oxoX

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