Family Ties

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Family Ties


This chapter is dedicated to countrycake because I absolutely LOVE her Maze Runner fanfic Wonderwall. You should all go check it out!


Waking up the next day was the ultimate struggle. My wrists still throbbed slightly and my entire body was sore, but then again feeling like this has pretty much been the norm for the past three months.

I took a moment to ponder the meaning of life the universe and everything like any normal human being does before getting out of bed, then, slowly maneuvering my legs over the side of my bed, I stood up, not without a slight unsteadiness and headed to my bathroom mirror.

Looking down, I stared at the blood speckled bandages that surrounded my hands and wrists. I unwrapped my hands first examining the cuts from my miniature freak out with the mirror before removing the bandages from my wrists to see the fresh wounds that have created a home on my pale flesh.

I groaned as I stripped down and headed to the shower, remembering I was supposed to meet Chris today for more training, which I'm still not exactly sure I need but he seemed almost like he was begging, so I suppose it must be a reason of some importance.

As I turned on the shower I could feel the hot water cascade down my back as I embraced the feeling of warmth that I had recently lost since getting out of bed.

The water fell into to the white tub slightly tinted brown as it washed away the excess blood from my wrists.

I tried my best not to think about Liam, about how angry he got over something so stupid.

About how he hurt me.


But I couldn't just not think about it. Especially when it replays in my mind every time I take a glance at my wrists.

Knowing that I had to try my best not to waste money on water bills I soon exited the shower, but not without a little complaining from my inner conscious.

I stared in the mirror surprised at what I saw. My appearance has drastically changed since I moved to beacon hills, with my dark brown locks having been lightened by the sun and the circles under my eyes being darkened by the memories. But just my eyes themselves seemed to hold a slight shadow. They've seemed to have lost that glimmer of innocence I had before I moved to Beacon Hills. It was a loss I could feel inside my bones and now see inside my sea blue irises and there was no way of possibly getting it back.

But I mean.

A little concealer can fix any problem. Right?

Maybe that's the trick. Swipe some concealer on a berserker and they'll explode.

I should try that.

Anyways. After painting on some critical makeup and reapplying the thick white gauze to my wrists I slipped on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a red and blue plaid button up I stole from Stiles's closet.

I grabbed the bag from underneath my bed that held all of my weaponry and opened up my side drawer, pulling out Allison's black glove and slipping it on my right hand.

'She would've really loved you.' Stiles's words rang in my head as I stared down at the worn black glove.

'She would've wanted you to have it.' Chris's words followed.




All past tense.

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