To the Loony Bin

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To the Loony Bin


L I A M ' S P O V


I just skipped what happened at the church because that isn't really relevant to the story... I'm sorry... please don't hate me.


Sitting in Stiles' room was Scott, Malia, Lydia, and I... well and Stiles of course... as we tried to determine the location of Stella. Real Stella.

I decided the other day that the bitch hanging around us was most definitely not the girl we knew. Doppelganger Stilinski has been gone for two days now and I'm pretty sure whoever the hell she is has my girl with her.

"So what were her mess ups, like what would real Stella never do." Stiles began, pulling out papers to add to his investigation board.

"Most prominent was that she forgot about Brett which should be literally impossible with everything we've gone through surrounding him." I watched as Stiles wrote 'Brett' on a sticky note and pasted it on the board.

"Too much pink." Lydia commented "I notice clothes and that girl was going overboard. Even when she moved here it was only pastel blues and greens."

Stiles gave her a 'really' look before scribbling pink down on another note and sticking it on.

"The other day she said she had a vision of what I was thinking but she didn't get light headed or anything like usual. She said she was learning to control it but she used her psychic powers not too long ago and I still had to catch her from falling. She couldn't have controlled them that quickly."

Standing up I scanned our work. All over the transparent board were things the fake has said or done to make us uncertain. But I still couldn't see anything that might lead to us finding where she is being kept.

Stiles turned to Lydia "You found me when I went missing can't you use your banshee mind powers to find her too?"

"No. I think that was just cause I was connected to you..." she took a moment to realize what she'd said that resulted in a glare from Malia and she cleared her throat "Point is, I can't find her."

"Malia, Scott, grab something with a strong scent of hers." I ordered and they stood up "preferably dark clothing that way we don't get psycho clone scent instead."

"Where are we going?" Stiles questioned.

Lydia stood and gave me a smile completely understanding what my thoughts were

"If you are playing with loony's might as well check the bin first."

"We're headed to Eichen."



I think. Key word think. Next chapter will be the last but we will see.

To Eichen we go.... Ahhh it's been a while.

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Xoxo Cara oxoX

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