Waking Up

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Waking up


Dedicated to teenwxlfqueen because ryan is my main bae and she's helped me so much with this story and I'm sorry but I must go through with it.


I sat by her bed side waiting just as I had promised waiting and hoping that she would wake up.

A large intake of air from beside me caught my attention and I turned to see she had woken up. Her eyelids fluttered open revealing her gorgeous sparkling eyes that I had waited so long to see and without a second thought I grabbed the sides of her face and kissed her hard.

But... she didn't kiss back. Pulling away I examined her face shocked and wide eyed. She looked very confused and I thought it was all a joke, letting out a small laugh I stared at her.

"Stell are you okay?"

"Um... Listen, you are a great kisser and all but do you mind if I ask... who are you?"



ITS OVER! I can't believe it's over.

Oh. My. God.

So here's your huge cliffhanger friends.

Sorry not sorry I live to crush people inside

But I hope you still love me enough to read the sequel that will come out once season 5 is you know... here.

I love you all to death and I will probably after this have a thank you note, a questions page and an answers one as well.

Thank you all so much for going through Stella's crazy journey with me

Xoxo Cara oxoX

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