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As soon as we exited Stiles' jeep he began to slowly get back inside "You see.. I'm not really a fan of this place so I think I'm gonna-"

"No." Malia cut him off, yanking him outside of the car and pushing him forward "You're coming."

The scent was strong here just like we assumed and it didn't take much to convince the guard seeing as it was a fairly young guy and we had three girls with us.

We followed the scent down a few halls until I really caught on to something and bolted after it. The rest of my pack called after me but I ran right through a door and down a flight of steps into a dark and disgusting basement. I could hear Stella in there but it was just too dark to see.

Searching around for a light one flicked on without my help and I knew someone else was in there with us.

Following the sound and the scent I had caught onto I turned a corner and another and another.

Jesus, how big is this place?

Walking around a large radiator I spotted the familiar kind face, but ratted and bruised, as she lay in a heap on the cement floor shaking uncontrollably "Stella...?"

Her eyes opened revealing the bright blue orbs that even in her condition still held the little sparkle I knew so well. "Liam..."

I quickly ran to her kneeling to the ground and picking her limp body up into my arms her head resting on my chest as she sat on my lap curled into my shirt for warmth. The shaking erupting through her entire body was more than just a shiver and I could tell she was either sick or getting sick.

"Oh my god... Stella what happened?" I questioned brushing the wet hairs from her warm head.

"I-it's my s-sister. She looks ju-just like m-me."

Almost on cue an almost exact replica of Stella emerged from the shadows but more healthy. She had a wicked grin on her face as she walked up to the both of us, making me squeeze the sickly brunette closer to my body.

"How sweet. Little sister this must be your boyfriend, Liam was it?"



BUM BUM BUMMMMMMMMM... okay I lied this will not be the last chapter. I thought of using this for the plot twist but I felt it needed more explaining so I'm gonna explain in the next chapter and something is gonna happen and I will have one more short chapter at the end :)

Thank you for everyone who has stuck with me and supported me this long it is so amazing that you have actually read my story or stories and I never thought I would get even close to this much love.

Y'all prove that the wolfies are the best fans out there! I love you guys and I'll probably see you in another half an hour with another update XD

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Xoxo Cara oxoX

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