Broken Dolls and Beautiful Boys

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Broken Dolls and Beautiful Boys

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This chapter is Dedicated ti Sarcastic_Wolf. I love her story 'Scared to Death' which is one of my all time favorite Liam Dunbar Fics. Everyone go check it out :)

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I guess that bitch hit me hard cause the next day I woke up in my own bed, light stinging my eyes, and pain throbbing in my face.

Standing up my body felt uneasy so I grabbed my bed post for stabilization until I felt recuperated.

“Stiles?” I yelled out as I dragged my feet across the carpet to my closet. Luckily my hair was still curled from the other day so that was one thing to check off my list of 117 million problems.

Huh that’s a very specific number… odd.

An Adderall energized Stiles made his way to my doorway as I rummaged through my clothes in a so far failed attempt to find something to wear.

“Good, you’re awake. By the way you are gonna need to stay after today I have lacrosse practice.” He smiled

“Ya, ya I was already planning on it. My friend Garrett invited me.” I responded in my usual bratty morning voice.

“I want you to sit with my friends, Kira and Malia. Maybe get to know them a bit.”

“I will if you leave.” I snarled as I finally decided on a pair of light wash skinny jeans with a nude flowy tank and my large grey knit cardigan.

“Reminder, don’t talk to you in the mornings.” He huffed as he walked away from my door.

I retreated to my vanity to apply the usual amount of makeup and accessories before heading downstairs and into the jeep.

As soon as I got into the passengers seat I could hear the doors lock beside me.

“What the hell Stiles?”

“Sorry.” He sarcastically apologized “Now, what’s up with you? You’re different then you used to be.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I responded with a sweet smile.

“See, ahhh ha that, that is what I’m talking about. It’s like one of those possessed dolls that has the cute little face of a child but surprise surprise there’s the devil inside.  You’ve changed Stell, I don’t like it.”

The fake smile disappeared from my face with a loud groan “I grew up Stiles, it’s been a long time since you saw me.”

“It’s been a month and a half.”

I looked down and began to pick at my black nail polish, the only thing I wear that represents my true colors.

Yep black.

Super colorful person if you hadn’t noticed.

“Situations have changed.” I mumbled quietly trying my best to explain but at the same time ignoring the real subject at hand.

“By situations you mean your mom don’t you.” He replied.

Why did he have to be so dang intuitive.

I could feel my eyes welling up with tears that I tried strongly to hold back. I’m not a crier. It’s stupid and it messes up your make up and it makes you look weak. That’s why I don’t cry.

The last time I can account for where tears actually fell down my face was in the hospital with my mom as I sat by her bedside holding her soft pale hand.

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