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"No no no this isn't possible. You're dead. I saw you die." I began hyperventilating as I stood up off of Garrett or whoever this ghost doppelganger person was.

He sighed, standing up from the pavement with a loud groan of pain that made me wince.

"No you didn't." Was all he said as he continued to rub his head which was beginning to swell up.

"Actually, Garrett person, it was a pretty traumatic experience for me, I don't think I would forget it and I know what I saw."

"What you saw was we getting impaled by a bone covered giant. Then you left. You never saw what happened later. You see after you left me to die, thank you by the way for that," he added sarcastically "some random girl in a black hoodie came up to me. I couldn't see her face cause I was too busy, you know, dying."

As soon as the words "girl in a black hoodie" came into play what he had to say immediately peaked my interest. Maybe this would be one step closer to finding whoever the hell she was.

"Anyways, ya she had some weird herbs and she said some weird stuff in a random language and then she just left. Next thing I knew I was in the middle of the woods and there was no injury. As in literally nothing. See." He showed me his stomach where there should be a gaping wound but instead it was just tan, wonderfully toned, abs.

I thought back to the fact that I was also healed but pushed it to the back of my mind to save for later.

"So what? You came back to kill the rest of my friends right?"

"No." he took a pause stepping closer to me and my breath hitched. Millions of thoughts were swarming through my head as he stood there in front of me. "Stella I came here to say goodbye... to you."

I stumbled backwards hoping to maybe reduce the amount of personal bubble space being taken up by the blonde haired kid that should be dead right now. But of course I ran right into the building that we were standing in front of, completely leaving no room for me to step back any further.

My voice had dropped down to a whisper considering there was no use to speak loud with him this close to me "Why..." I questioned, trying my hardest to keep my eyes straight on his opposed to on his naturally pink lips.

He took another step closer, pretty much defeating the purpose of me stepping back, making me try and press further into the wall, but with no avail.

Man, if only I was Danny Phantom.

"Because I'm leaving Beacon Hills. For good. And well... you are the only person that's important to me in this entire town so you know I thought..." I watched as his eyes quickly diverted to my lips back up to my own eyes. "I thought maybe..." he did it again this time keeping them there for a longer period of time and raising a cold hand to my warm cheek. "I should... you know... like I said..."

I couldn't resist the urge. My eyes snapped town to his lips as the temptation creped through my entire body like shot of electricity.

"That you should say goodbye?" I finished his sentence. Slowly diverting my attention back to his bright blue orbs.


I could feel him leaning in closer to me but I mean where was I supposed to go?

But the thing is, I didn't want to go anywhere. I wanted to stay right there were I was behind this random building waiting for the first guy I had ever met at Beacon Hills High to kiss me goodbye.

Fix You » Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now