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B A C K T O S T E L L A ' S P O V


After the incident in the weight room I tried to exit as quickly and stealthily as possible. Guess my skills are a little weak.

"Hey!" I heard the beta werewolf call from behind me.

I just began to walk faster pushing anything and everything involving him out of my head.

"Stella wait!"

Before I could speed up again I felt a hand on my wrist harshly pulling me into an all too familiar compact room.

"So now you're gonna pull a Garrett? The janitor's closet, really?" I sassed remembering the multitudes of times the blonde relationship ruiner pulled me into this very situation.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" he yelled making me let out a deranged giggle.

"Nothing. What's wrong with you?"

I could tell he was getting angry as I watched his fists clench, one around my wrist, but the pain was nothing, I'm used to it now.

"NOTHING!" he screamed at me.

"Really?" I smiled stepping closer to the ticking time bomb. "So you aren't having hallucinations of boney demons or questioning whether or not things with the benefactor are really over?"

His eyes widened as he loosened the grip on my wrist. "H- how did you know that?"

"You grabbed me." I answered looking down at his hand which he quickly jerked away from me. "And I'm special in the mind... remember?"

He had now somehow positioned himself in the middle of the room as I walked around him like a jungle cat eyeing its prey.

"But I thought you got light headed when you get visions."

"Ya, well I'm learning to control it a little better."

I could tell the young werewolf was in the palm of my hand as he stood there in shock probably wondering what happened to his sweet little Stella, little did he know she was long gone. Nearing closer to his face I positioned my mouth right next to his ear making sure he felt both uncomfortable and scared.

"That girl you loved died when you ripped her heart out. So have a nice day... sweetheart."



Tbh I don't even know what I'm doing. I'm just really milking the bitch cow on these few chapters as I contemplate what plot to twist at the end of the story as the major end of fix you cliffhanger.

Anyways enjoy this short odd chapter as I think and if you are actually still reading this I love you and I'm sorry that the past few chapters have been really crappy.

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Love my wolfies! And to my stelliam shippers STAY STRONG.

Xoxo Cara oxoX

Fix You » Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now