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Dedicated to -lacrosse because lucy-moosey is a babe and we are #blessed


"What did you do to her?" I screamed making the clone's smile grow even larger.

"Oh not much. It was just a simple connection spell. Some herbs, fancy words and all her thoughts and memories have been shared, with me."

"That's how you knew everything." I mumbled to myself going through all of the scenarios of the past week, this explains why we never noticed.

She snapped me out of my thoughts as she began speaking to me again, her voice now more distinctly different than when she was playing the role of my girlfriend "But here's the best part, anything that happens to me happens to her. Sadly though it works the other way around as well but luckily I'm very pain tolerant. Her... not as much." Taking out a knife she made one swift cut across her hand making Stella whimper as a cut began to form and bleed in the exact same place. Lifting up Stella's shirt and sleeves I could see all of the cuts and bruises I questioned on the carbon copy in the weight room the other day.

"The scars match yours. The scars on her arms and stomach, they're all the same."

"Thank you captain obvious, I just said that. Wow Stell, I would think that you would choose someone more... intelligent"

I let out a harsh growl as I lowered Stella to the floor standing up ready to slap a bitch witch.

"Ah ah ah..." she smiled and with a simple flick of the wrist I was frozen in place "remember, what happens to me, happens to your precious girlfriend."

Another motion and I was flung across the room as my back hit the radiator hard and I slumped to the ground. While I pushed myself up a familiar spikey haired spaz attack ran into the room with Malia, Scott, Kira, and Lydia trailing behind.

"Stella?" He spoke up as he stared at the witch that just flung me halfway across a basement "What are you- wait" he stopped as his eyes fell on the real Stella almost at the point of unconsciousness laying on the floor. Pointing at the twin he spoke "Stella..." and then switching the position of his finger to the real owner of that name "Stella..."

"Remember me sweetheart?"

I could see something click in his mind as his eyes widened and he looked back at the girl standing before him.

"Sara... I-I thought you were dead... they- they found your body at the bottom of the -"

"Nice to see you too Stiles." She cut him off "I was just hoping that maybe over the years you might've learned to shut up every once in a while. This is probably why you never got a girlfriend."

Malia stepped in front of him her eyes transforming to a fluorescent blue "Hey!"

Eyeing the girl up and down this so called Sara just shooed her off

"Ew... Anyways the death was obviously faked. It's called a replication spell. All it does is make a temporary clone of myself. Once I went in the ground, poof. Gone. It was actually pretty simple."

My alpha walked up to the front of the pack and gave Sara a questioning look "How long have you been with us?"

A small laugh escaped her lips "Let's just say that the girl you saw the day after the bonfire wasn't the one you wanted to see."

By now I had managed to get to my feet but I hadn't moved much due to the pain in my chest.

"So you kissed Garrett! You ruined everything!" I yelled, feeling myself begin to lose control.

A look of accomplishment appeared on her face "No that was all her, I just might've tweaked her emotions a bit more than she would've normally had them. I may not have taken her place till the bonfire but I connected with her much earlier."

"So when her wounds were healed it was because you didn't have them." I acknowledged, dragging myself back closer to Stella.

"I lied sis he actually is kind of intuitive."

"Why are you doing this?" Kira spoke up "What did she do to you?"

"Why? Well that answer is simple. She ruined my life. When we were younger everything was always about her. Stella this, Stella that. She was the reason I lost my dad, the one person who ever cared about me and she was the reason I was neglected and unloved. Because sweet little innocent Stella got the family gift and I was nothing.

That is until I said sayonara to mother and a coven of witches took me in. They taught me everything I know, everything I need to ruin her life just like she ruined mine.

I am going to make her pay by taking away the person closest to her just like she did to me and maybe for once in her life she won't be the one everyone adores. And once everything has been taken from her then, and only then, will I let her go, and then she can try and find her way home just like I had to."

"Sara..." a broken voice echoed through the basement and we all turned towards the one that spoke. Stella had picked herself off the floor and was leaning against a wall "I-I'm sorry. I-I'm sorry for all of the p-pain I've caused you. I-I didn't kn-know how much you hurt inside... Y-you know, I wanted to be just like you. I wanted to be independent and... and smart and brave like y-you. I'm s-sorry Sara... I just wanted my big sister."

Tears had formed in both of the girls eyes, Sara's more than Stella's

"You're lying!" she screamed making the water captured in her eyes stream down her cheeks

"How can I? If I even thought about lying you would know."

"She has a point." Stiles spoke resulting in a glare from a teary eyed evil sister "Sorry..."

"G-go ahead. Check my memories. Y-you know, you should g-go to your f-funeral. That was one of the hardest th-things I ever had to go through. When you died... you had already t-taken away the p-person closest to me. I have nothing else to lose."

I took a quick glance at Stella amazed at what she had said. We maintained eye contact for only a second and the look she gave me I knew would get us in trouble.

"YOU'RE LYING!" She screamed again shooting a bright flash out of her palms and right at Stella.

Stiles thought on his feet and slammed a large piece of wood to her head and she fell to the ground unconscious. Stella did the same, seeing as the connection spell was still in play and I caught her in my arms. Exchanging looks with the others we all took a look at the heap of identical evil laid on the floor.

Malia stared at her for a moment before walking away "Psycho."



LONGER CHAPTER THAN USUAL! One more to go and then I might have a questions chapter for anything you were confused about and a thank you chapter and ya.

I hope you enjoyed this

Question: what do you think happened to Stella?

I might update again tonight we shall see!!!

Please vote/comment

Xoxo Cara oxoX

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