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dedicated to sarcastic_stydia for all of her kind comments! thanks girly!


Opening up my closet I eyed all the clothing I've been wearing recently. All of the "real me" clothing.

Now who needs that?

Discarding it I rummaged through the rest, finding and slipping on a pink skirt and a pair of booties Lydia lent me last year.

I walked down the stairs feeling very confident in my new/old look hearing my heels clack against the wooden steps and watching my blush pink skirt sway on my hips. Stiles was already ready to go and had a red apple hanging out of his mouth as he played with the toaster, trying to get his chocolate chip waffles out without burning himself.

Deciding to just grab them he quickly turned around dropping them on the counter in front of me. The apple in his mouth immediately descended from its place as he stared at my attire with wide eyes.

"What, in all that is holy, are you wearing?"

Taking a bite out of one of the waffles he worked so hard to retrieve I let out a small giggle "Clothes silly."

"From where? Did you raid strawberry shortcakes closet or something? And... are those Lydia's shoes?" he questioned, now circling me examining the ultimate change in appearance. "Your nails aren't even black? Come on, even when you got to Beacon Hills they were black. And... Stella... where's your mom's ring?"

My sweet innocent face dropped as I stared back at the bewildered spikey haired teen. "The person who wore that ring was in love. But, since there is no such thing as love it was kind of irrelevant, wasn't it?" My small grin grew back onto my made up face "Plus it didn't match my outfit."

My cousin looked as if he had just seen a ghost. He even poked me to make sure I was a real, flesh and blood, human being.

"So are we gonna go or not?"

"Sure thing Barbie... go right ahead."


"So.... Is this because of L-"

"I'm sorry I don't wish to hear that name ever again." I cut him off with a vicious scowl.

"I'm gonna take that as a yes..." We began to slow down as we neared the stoplight "You know I almost died yesterday..."

I nodded over at him with a small smile "Sounds fun."

"Oh! And we figured out the Benefactor is Meredith... and Peter... it's a long story but-"

"Listen.. cuz... I get that you want to be buddy buddy and all but I'm just about done with that bullshit. This is who I am and you trying to act all teamwork-ey is making me nauseous. So... if you wouldn't mind just shut up and drive, the light's green."


I leaned my head against the window trying to push the thoughts from last night out of my head but grinning at the plans I have for what's to come our way.

The thoughts of the sparkly eyed boy whose absence I refuse to acknowledge were tearing me apart inside. But I guess that's what happens when your heart breaks, the shards literally tear you up.

I've woken up with multiple scars and bruises on my upper arms and stomach that seem to be self-inflicted but I don't remember getting. Living my life normally without him is seemingly impossible and that is why I've chosen to not be normal. To not be me. Because that person, that other Stella has gone somewhere no one will ever think to find her. She has gone through way to much pain to handle any more.

Poor girl.

She gave the little piece of her heart that was still intact after her mother's death to the sweet, innocent, human, boy with the bright smile and the bright future. And that was her biggest mistake, trusting someone so much with the only thing she had left. But i guess some things in a person just never change.

So now that her heart's gone 'what is there' you ask.

Well I'm here to tell you that there is nothing there anymore.

Nothing but darkness.



B.I.T.C.H.Y. S.T.E.L.L.A. I.S. B.A.C.K.

Okay, in order to get things done faster I think I'm gonna make the next few chapters just short snippets that way it won't be as long between each update.

See shorter chapters equals shorter amounts of time between updates

I like to think I know what I'm doing but I usually don't. I also want to say thank you considering that Shattered has been one of my most popular chapters so far! I'm so glad y'all liked it even if it hurt you inside desperate times call for desperate measures.

Anyways. Enjoy this little chapter and I hope to be updating another section soon.

Love you guys! Thanks for dealing with my odd mind

Xoxo Cara oxoX

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