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I woke up the next day per-usual feeling better than I thought I would. In fact, I felt just fine.

The cold feeling was gone and I felt accomplished.

Swinging my small legs over the side of my bed I took a quick glance in the mirror and stopped as I noticed that the light in my eyes had drained.

This is the real Stella Stilinski.

The old Stella was a weak, childish girl that allowed herself to fall in love and have her heart broken again.

How stupid of me.

Beacon Hills Stella is something I must fix.

Everything will be back to normal. No cares. No love. No strings attached. Because I will be the one everyone notices. The one that no one forgets.

Thinking about it, there are plenty of good looking boys in my class that old Stella would've definitely got her hands on, but stupid beta baby boy got in her way.

Well. He's not in this picture now.

The old Stella Stilinski is back bitches. And she's here to stay.



Here's a little teaser thingy ma-bobber to give you something to think about as I write the next few chapters. If you didn't see my post on my account I am going to try and finish up or get close to finishing up this story while I have time on break. So HOPEFULLY there should be a few updates coming your way. Thank you to everyone who has stuck with me this long. I'm excited to show you what's in store for the sequel that I will be posting once season 5 comes out in june :)

Love you guys so much!

Xoxo Cara oxoX

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