Testing Makes Me Sick

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Testing Makes Me Sick


This chapter is dedicated to oh_my_Leah for all of her kind comments and messages! Thank you so much and I’m sorry for the long wait!  I hope you enjoy this chapter :)


I awoke to the obnoxious beeping of my alarm clock. Slowly i turned on my side to see the flashing green pixel numbers that were arranged in the order 6:30. Which is odd because when I looked at the numbers they actually seemed to spell out “kill me”.

I quickly stopped the continuous noise by grabbing the demon of a device and hurling it at my wall.


Why am I even being woken up at 6:30 on a freaking Saturday?

Oh ya, PSATs.

I instinctively seized an extra pillow from the collection I had scattered over my bed and shoved my face into it to block the blinding rays of sun shining in my eyes through my broken blinds.

The loud thumping of footsteps was almost immediately heard from down the hall and was followed by the sound of a worried cousin

“I heard a crash is everything okay?”

“Don’t worry Stiles that was just the sound of me mentally smashing my head through a window.” I responded sarcastically, removing the pillow from my face just in time to see Stiles picking the destroyed alarm clock off of the floor and looking at me with a ‘what the hell’ expression.

“It was of no use to me.”

Swinging my legs off of the bed and standing up. I groaned in exhaustion as I cracked my back and neck. Last night was a doozy and my arms were extremely sore from you know, attempting to lift Liam out of a well.

“Do I have to take the PSAT?” I whined trudging my achy feet towards my vanity where I sat and began my makeup.

“It’s not my problem that you are like a genius.” Stiles groaned before exiting my room to return to his own.

I felt competent with the messy curls I already had cascading down my back, so I just left them there before sliding on my olive green slip dress and some black boots.  After accessorizing with brassy jewelry and of course my mom’s silver promise ring, I grabbed a few pencils from my bag and a blueberry muffin from the plastic container on the counter before running out to the baby blue jeep.

As we pulled into Stiles’s designated school parking spot we could see Malia standing against the wall waiting. She began to wave once she noticed the jeep in front of her.

I made a gagging noise as she waved to Stiles which resulted in receiving a hard punch to my left arm.

“Be nice Stella.” he instructed pulling the key out of the ignition

“I don’t know if I’m actually capable of that.” I responded grabbing my pencils and hopping out of the passenger seat.

As we walked up to her I sighed before displaying an obviously fake smile. I scanned her up and down to try and find a complement; luckily her shirt was cute today.

“I like your shirt.” I spoke through the clenched teeth of my artificial expression.

“What drugs are you on?” she responded causing me to drop the act and narrow my eyes.

“Bite me.”

Her eyes flashed blue as she growled “I will.”

Stiles took charge in breaking up our little word fight by stepping in between us “Yay test taking! PSAT. Fun. Let’s go inside.” He awkwardly encouraged, ushering Malia through the double doors and into the halls where a line was already forming.

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