Bonfires and Booze

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Bonfires and Booze


This chapter is dedicated to my RL bae aequalis. She just started a new fan fiction called 'Maintain Your Balance' and you should all go read it cause it's a super cool Garrett fan fiction that merges a little bit of Teen Wolf, TVD, and originals together. So ya. Go read it. Now. I'll wait.


"No! You can't tell Stiles. They have way too much on their plates right now. We just have to wait till this whole benefactor thing blows over and then... then I'm not really sure yet, but we will figure it out. I promise."

"Stella you can't just expect me to not tell them! This is a really big deal. You're freaking healed for God's sake-"

I cut him off, kissing him unexpectedly so that he would finally shut up. I pulled back and continued to pace back and forth in my room.

"I couldn't think when you were talking." I mumbled as I began biting the side of my thumbnail. It's such a bad habit and I seriously need to stop but then again i've been telling myself that for about 10 years now.

Suddenly Stiles appeared in my doorway, obviously out of breath which could mean that he either actually did run really far or he didn't cause you know, Stiles is just really wimpy.

"Hey um sorry to interrupt but my dad got shot and I was kind of thinking that Stella might wanna be there." He spoke in small increments as he tried to maintain his composure

"What the hell happened?!" I questioned, looking back at Liam and giving him that look that totally translates to 'this is exactly what I was talking about, my wrist is the least of our shit'

"Well, Deputy Parrish just randomly came in burnt and naked,"

I took a moment to smirk at that second descriptive word and both boys in the room looked at me like I had just eaten a worm

I snapped out of my daydream trance "Continue." I instructed.

"You're revolting. Anyways, and he accidentally shot my dad in the shoulder, so we kinda need to go... now...."

I looked back at Liam once more to thank him for not saying anything before running after Stiles to his jeep and heading to my injured uncle.


Luckily the doctor said that Uncle John will be okay but he will have to go in for surgery tomorrow to remove the bullet from his shoulder. I was currently waiting outside, my foot bobbing up and down as i read one of the random pamphlets i found on the counter whilst Stiles talked to his father about something I apparently was not supposed to be present for.

All of a sudden I saw a girl pass by me. She had a black hoodie on and curled brown hair but that's all I could really pick out.

And she looked familiar

As in creepy familiar

The chilling sensation pierced my brain again making me fall to the ground in pain. Nurses swarmed around me checking to see if I was okay and I calmed them down with the "bad migraines" excuse.

I let out a groan of disappointment before sulking back to my uncle's hospital room my head throbbing from the chilling/burning sensation that had suddenly filled it.

But I couldn't get her out of my head.

I don't know who she was... but I definitely knew that girl.


The next day at school I spent all day just trying to search for the girl I saw in the hospital last night. For that brown hair and the all too familiar face. But instead I ran into another familiar face.

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