Thank You!

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Oh my gosh.

this has been soooooo amazing! You have all been so amazing!

I never knew i could write, to be honest i never even thought of the possibility of writing till teen wolf came into my life.

If i'm being honest i didn't even think anyone was going to read this story let alone that i would get so much love from y'all!

Every single one of you is so special to me whether i know you or not and it is amazing to have little comment conversations with y'all that sometimes even lead to good friendships.

When i write i am a completely different person that i don't even recognize and so when i re-read my chapters i am just another teenage fangirl reading a new story. It is so great that i was able to experience this adventure with all of y'all and i hope i can experience it again when i write the sequel!

Thank you all soooooooo much.

Once a wolfie always a wolfie.

Love as always...

Xoxo Cara oxoX

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