Perfect Attendance and Party Invitations

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Perfect Attendance and Party Invitations

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After finding Liam I promised I would go get help and hurry back. I did as I promised, considering that was one thing in my life I make sure not to break, and rushed to the Sheriff's office to get my uncle's help.

Luckily he gave me a ride back considering my legs had turned to jelly and my lungs to fire. So much running was done today and I think I'm done exercising for the rest of freshman year.

By the time we reached the roof of the hospital Liam was gone. No trace he'd ever been there except small dots of blood near the chimney he had previously been leaned up against. But the dead body was still here so at least I didn't seem like a complete psychopath when the cops got here.

Thank god for that dead body.

Never thought I'd say that.

"So Stella. Why were you here anyways. Stiles told me you were walking home." The Sherriff, aka my uncle, looked at me sternly, obviously angry with me for getting caught up in this mess.

"I was...." I mumbled innocently

His facial expression changed from that of frustration to one of confusion "Then why didn't you finish walking there?"

I thought back to how it felt when I knew I had to come back, my head still had a slight throbbing because of it and I'm still not convinced that some invisible object did not fall on me.

" It sounds crazy." I mumbled ashamed of my unbelievable "party trick".

He just shook his head and rubbed his eyes "Trust me Stella. I don't think so."

I wondered what the backstory to his vague statement could possibly hold but I had a feeling now was not the time to ask about it.

"Stella?" he pushed

I let out a deep sigh before looking up to him "I sensed it." I responded under my breath.

"What?" he complained, most likely considering only someone with excellent hearing would've been able to decipher my inaudible answer. I groaned suddenly becoming very annoyed and slightly angry. I don't know what had come over me but I knew I just wanted to leave and go find Liam.

"I SENSED IT!" I yelled back. "You hear me that time?" I snarled in a bratty tone before turning on my heel and running away from the scene back down the stairs to the entrance. I tried calling both Liam and Stiles more than twenty times to no avail. I wasn't in the mood to ride home with my uncle and Mason couldn't drive yet, so I guess I would have to walk.

Although my feet and legs still ached I trudged on, heading to my house. About three minutes away from my house I saw a familiar looking boy running down the street. As he grew closer to me and his features focused I began to recognize the person running towards me.

"Liam?" I whispered to myself.

I walked out into the street which probably wouldn't have been the best idea but I didn't care. Like I said, when it comes to Liam I sort of lose my inhibitions. I started to run towards him and I could tell that he was starting to recognize me as well.

"Liam!" I yelled out. He stopped where he was as he cocked his head to the right like a puppy.

"Liam what the hell happened?" I finally reached him and he was sweaty and his face resembled that of a deer in headlights. I looked down to see his foot planted flat on the ground like one's should be, unless it was broken, like his.

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