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dedicated to StephV12 you are so sweet! i love your comments they make me v happy :)




"That's a lot of weight" Mason commented beside me as I pushed another hundred pounds onto the bar.

"Ya, well I need to get ready for the game tomorrow." I said back to the boy, when really I'm just working out cause it gets my mind off of everything.

Off of the Berserkers, off of the fact that even though the Benefactor is gone I still have a bad feeling about everything, and most importantly... off of her.

Off of her sea blue eyes and her long brown hair. Off of her soft lips and the adorable dimples that appear whenever she smiles. Off of her humor and the way she has this need to protect the ones she loves. Off of the way she talks when she's tired and the way she looks when she's happy.

Off of every little amazing thing that makes her, her. And as you can see, it's not working so well.

Ever since the other day Stella has been the front page of the newspaper for my mind and no matter how many times I throw the paper away or burn it or rip it the front page out it always just ends up back in my hands, refusing to let me think of anything else.

And it hurts... more than I thought it would.

"Do you need a spot?" Mason asked, giving me an inquisitive look as I laid down on the bench press, positioning my hands on either side of the metal bar.

"No. Do you?"

Letting out a humorless laugh Mason sat down his tiny weights "This is my warm-up... ass." Walking over to me he began to spot.

"Wait, what are you doing?" I spat.

He paused before giving me a questionable look "I'm spotting you."

"I said I don't need one."

"Are you kidding me? This is like 300 pounds." he spoke gesturing to the amount of weight I had positioned on the bench press, 350 actually. "You're gonna kill yourself."

Without a second thought I repositioned my hands and did one full lift, testing my new and improved werewolf strength which is actually super awesome.

Sitting back up I gave my surprised friend a cocky expression, "Do I look like I need help?"

Mason looked offended but I wasn't really in the mind to care. He was getting kind of annoying anyways. But before I could go under for another lift a familiar, short, brunette came into the weight room with a ponytail in her curled hair and some very tight fitting workout clothes.

"What are you doing here?" I growled at her "And why are you wearing pink?"

"I wanted to work out. And if you must know I wore pink because I wanted to, thank you very much." She snapped back picking up some weights on the other end of the room.

"You hate pink. Also, if you want to work out why don't you use the girl's weight room?" I questioned, standing from my seat on the bench press and eyeing her up and down.

She looked like a completely different person. Whether it was the way that the darkness of her clothes had found a new home in the depths of her eyes, or that the scratches covering her arms and stomach, this did not look like the girl that just the other day I had been in love with.

This didn't look like the girl that I'm still in love with, and that I just can't find a way to stop loving.

The girl in front of me looked worn out and bruised and damaged. She had dark circles under her eyes that you could tell she tried to conceal with makeup, therefore serving as the only non-bright thing on her body, and had lost the familiar sparkle in her blue eyes. She was considerably paler and all together almost completely unrecognizable. And though I can assume that this was a result of what happened between us, I refuse to let her make me feel bad about my choices in our relationship. I refused to let her lure me in again just like she did that first day when I met her on the lacrosse field.

"Why do you care Dunbar? I thought you weren't going to talk to me ever again. Your words not mine." She gave me a menacing scowl as she picked up something a little heavier than I think she was used to, trying her best not to let me know that but failing miserably.

Clearing my throat I scowled back at her "I-I don't." I answered, stumbling over my words which most likely put her in the lead of 'who's better at acting like they don't care' "I don't care, I was just-"

"Save it sweetheart." She cut me off, delivering a mischievous smile as a perfectly compatable side to her rude attitude "If I were you, I'd go back to your douche weights and stop talking before you go so far that you run out of crappy comebacks and I walk all over you with the new Gucci heels I got for my birthday." A shocked expression was surely plastered on my bright red face as she ushered me back to where I was before "Have a nice day." She commented, giving me one of these bitchy finger waves.

Returning to my quote un-quote douche weights I sat down completely amazed that in just a few days a girl as kind and true as Stella could become the person I just talked to.

Whatever, it's not like we are anything anymore. Repositioning myself I did two large lifts images of berserkers flashing through my mind but the last image I saw caught me off guard, it was the first kiss Stella and I had shared, when we were in her room the night we figured out what she was. It was so vivid and so real and all of a sudden I lost grip on the weights and they came crashing down to my chest.

Suddenly Scott appeared above me pulling the weights off in one swift motion.

Looking over at Stella it was as if she hadn't even flinched. Like she didn't even care.

"Liam?" Mason appeared around the corner, a worried look on his face as he looked at Scott then back at my heavy breathing self.

"I'm fine." I quickly snapped back at him.

"If you don't want to be with us, that's okay. But don't push your friends away too." Scott whispered to me.

I took one look at a hurt Mason before my eyes directed to Stella walking right out the door.

How can she just not care like that? It's like her emotions have just been switched off.

This was not the girl I fell for.

She was a completely different person and she needs help. I promised Stella Stilinski I would stay away from her, and since this is obviously not the Stella Stilinski I promised that to I am technically not breaking my word.

I am going to figure out what the hell is wrong with my girl, and then I am going to get her back.

Because I just can't stay away.

She is like a magnet that wants to push me away but if the magnets are a perfect fit there is no way to stop it.

I can't deny my love for her so I won't.

But before we can fix things, I'm going to need to fix her.



So. This kind of has relevance to the name of the story but it actually will say 'Fix YOU' later on.

If I'm correct this is either the first or second time I've ever written in Liam's POV, so I hope you enjoyed it.

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Thanks for all of your support! LOVE Y'ALL!!!

Xoxo Cara oxoX

Fix You » Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now