The Plan

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The Plan


When I woke up the first thing I noticed was the throbbing in my hands and the burning of my throat. The next was that I was now changed into pjs, which really just consisted of underwear and an extremely large t-shirt, next I noticed that I had been moved out of Stiles's arms and into my bed. And lastly was that Stiles, Scott, and Liam were all sleeping beside my bed.

Scott laid asleep in my computer chair whilst Stiles and Liam were squeezed onto my miniature couch, both of them having limbs hang off in order to at least semi fit.

"Boys!" I yelled, my voice scratchy and my head pounding. Both Liam and Stiles shot up and fell to the floor while Scott quickly sat up, causing him to smack his head on my lamp.

None the less they all eventually made it to their feet although some took longer than others...

cough cough Stiles cough cough.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Uh, we were watching over you." Liam answered awkwardly as he scratched the back of his neck "We wanted to make sure you were okay."

"But all of you were asleep." I pointed out making them look like even bigger idiots than they already did. As Scott just stood there like a little puppy who just ripped your living room to shreds Liam and Stiles began to start bickering

"You were on watch last." Liam argued looking at Stiles with an expression that clearly translated to 'what the hell dude?!'

"What are you talking about? You were on watch last." Stiles rebutted.

"No, you were on watch last." Liam repeated.

Stiles turned back to me and raised his hand low in the air "I might've been on watch last."

"My heroes." I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

"Well, now that you're awake, can I talk to you alone?" Liam asked looking at me innocently.

I could tell Stiles was about to say no but before he could I accepted Liam's offer. It took a little pushing from Scott to get Stiles out of the room but I knew they were probably still listening from outside the door, or since he's with Scott, from down the hall.

"So how are your hands?" he asked kindly taking a seat on the bed next to me.

"They're fine." I answered unconvincingly. He reached out to take one of my bandaged hands in his but I pulled back. "I said I'm fine."

"Stella, what you did last night was not fine. You haven't done anything like that for almost two months and I'm worried about you."

"There's no need to worry Liam. I can take care of-"

"Yourself, ya I know. But I mean even Batman had Robin to back him up."

I let out a small chuckle at his Batman allusion before looking up into his big blue irises "Do you really want to be Robin Liam?"

"No, not really, but I will be for you."

"That's the sweetest thing anyone's every said to me." I responded sarcastically, causing a grin to appear on both of our faces.

He slowly leaned in next to me and I did the same, trying my best not to put any weight on my hands.

As soon as our lips touched I was suddenly transported to la la land as I embraced the euphoric feeling that his kiss brings. Not without a little pain I rolled over, straddling Liam to deepen the kiss. He pulled back for a second to look at me.

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