A Little Party Never Killed Nobody

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A Little Party Never Killed Nobody

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"Werewolf? Werecoyote. Banshee. Fox?" Liam confirmed as he listed off the supernatural creatures that the people in the room with us just happened to be. I stood there shocked listening to the conversation play out and trying my best not to miss anything important.

"Kitsune." Kira corrected "But fox works."

"What are you?" he asked gesturing to my cousin with his head.

"Uh, for a little while, I was possessed by an evil spirit. It was very evil." He answered with Stiles's usual overuse of hand gestures.

"What are you now?"

"Better." He answered like it was totally obvious.

Everyone seemed pretty calm so far but I for one was a tad freaked out.

"Wait, wait, wait, how come I didn't hear about this? No note, no phone call, anything?" I asked still overcome by the fact that Stiles, wimpy Stiles had been considered 'evil' for a period of time.

"Oh ya, so sorry Stell that I was too possessed to send you a postcard." He snapped sarcastically

I was about to respond with such a great come back before Liam pointed at the chains resting on the table and let out another question "Um, are those for me?"

"No, they're for me." Malia responded flashing her eyes a bright shining blue.

Liam looked perplexed at the ultimate reveal that Malia apparently had mood ring eyes.

"How did you do that?"

"You'll learn. But first, you need to get through the full moon." Scott instructed.

"The moon's already out." I informed in a partial know-it-all tone as I pointed out the window towards the bright of white orb glowing in the black sky.

"And you're starting to feel something, aren't you?" Scott interrogated Liam

"I feel like I'm surrounded by a bunch of psychotic nutjobs. You guys are out of your freaking minds. I don't know how you did that eye thing and I don't care. I'm walking out the door right now! If any of you try to stop me, I swear to God, I'm gonna-" Liam's rant was cut short as he clasped his ears and fell to the ground

I instinctively fell down beside him as I laid a calming hand on his back "What's wrong?"

"You don't hear that?" he yelled, hands still covering his ears.

Lydia did not look so happy "Did you tell someone about this?"

"My friend Mason." He answered as I watched him struggle against whatever noise was still bothering him "You said it was a party."

I could tell Stiles was growing impatient "Who did Mason invite?"

I got off the floor and walked over to the window to see tons of cars their headlights glowing "Everyone."

Suddenly there was a loud scratching noise coming from Liam's general direction. I turned to see that he was still on the ground his hands outstretched in front of him, except instead of human nails attached to his fingers there were dark sharpened claws.

"The floors! Get him off the floors!" Lydia squealed before being silenced by Liam, I guess you could say, roaring at her.

"We need to get him to the boathouse. Now!" Scott commanded as he rushed over and lifted Liam off the ground with the help of the fox, excuse me, kitsune.

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